Its classed as a gamebird,every regions differant,end of August usually ends.
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Photo caught in the action. Allot of people don't know how destructive these Pukekos are. Ive seen them destroy so many ducklings, last year I counted a mother with 14 ducklings and 2 days later none from pukekos - they would round them up like hounds. I also found a baby pukeko a couple of years ago and it was probably only 2 days old, i put it in the brooder with 8 pekin ducklings that was the age/size all went well untill a week later the pukeko chick killed off all the ducklings. it must be their dark little killing instinct.
Check this out - i understand Pukeko is related to the Coot so if your game enough........
Dundee, finally someone got it
Saw a pukeko with something white in it's beak today. Got the binos out and it was one of our white Pekin eggs, they have just started laying and the friggan brute found the nest!
A nice walk in the pines
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After 2 days and 30kms we finally got one on the ground.
Nice picture. What are these birds? I like you bumpack.