lets hope we see some summery s from you of the dog trials this year
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lets hope we see some summery s from you of the dog trials this year
Attachment 28223im sure they will have grown by then
If you go down to the woods today....
Got off to a late start this afternoon, but finally Harry, his brother and I were able to get down the river. Dionee team leader again.
Dionee worked like a demon, her work in the huge blackberry bushes was courageous...bell stopped and up the covey went...Harry did a fine shot...
Coming back up from the river, she indicated a rabbit, which was also shot and taken home...
Here we go again:)
No, we do not have the birds such as other regions...more is the pity...if we want birds in numbers it is a travel matter...what did a avid gun tell me last season...that there are probably 15 guns to every rooster in this area!! No far from the truth from my observations.
that is a shame with such pretty grounds
mind you eesbees i tend to remember a post where i talked of shooting to many pheasants and you phiifffed it more or less -- the result is what you get to shoot today !!the short sightedness of people . an emphasis on quality work over quantity of birds shot and we would all have more birds
There are many factors at play in the maintenance of gamebird populations...none of which can be adequately or theoretically assumed the greater ...look at the mallard bags some decades ago in the Waikato...50 birds...not wishing to regurgitate your previous thread on this matter, I will say that my response to the thread was that most will attest to the fact and it is a fact that gamebird/waterfowl shooters are the conservationists of the species however if the bag and specie as stipulated by the governance then that is what most shooters will aim for (pun intended)...last year in this region they upped the bag from two to three as pretty much a last minute reprieve...this year back to two cock ringneck pheasants...the Californian quail has been listed with a bag of 10 per day for quite a number of years now...good luck and bravo to anyone who could fill that bag on a daily basis in these parts.
yes , ive always thought the evidence was in the day out and the results gained -well over some days , it appears where you are the blanket legal amount allowed to be shot may be being managed poorly . i do hope you back might mutterings next time due to your most unfortunate game numbers