Cant see 'the brick' Dunners, were you standing on it?????......:ORLY:
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Nah its there mate looks a bit green its near the top of the pic on the green weed mat out of the water scouserAttachment 48954
Scouser is getting old Dundee. His eyes are not as good as they once were.
Make sure you all get stuck into these blue/black bastards
Attachment 48955
Oh but he is just a young chap compared to you ole Rushy
That is true Dundee but I am far better looking and don't sound like a POME. Ha ha ha ha. I guess I owe @Scouser a beer now.
Good fun the old "blue pheasant" always knock a few over during the season.
It can't fly now justs stays down at the creek,when it was younger it use to follow the cows up the race to the dam paddock and fly back down to the creek late morning.
It is quite a character. And have only ever seen two others in our area.It honks when ducks are coming in so always a good time to check the creek out if its honking.
once the water turns really cold it stuffs the bad one im lead to believe
That old canada goose in that pic is over 20 years old
the ultimate insult the foul tasting piece of crap bird considered game and the mighty canada a pest???Quote:
Good fun the old "blue pheasant" always knock a few over during the season.