HI @Countryside. I have two recipes I currently use. the whole family loves both of them. When I process the birds I freeze the breasts and legs separately. For the breasts once I have enough fairly clean ones I stuff the breast with A butter mix as follows.. Chop garlic and parsley together in a whiz until really finely chopped. Add some lemon zest and then some softened butter. Quantities up to you the recipe called for 200g butter for four breasts. Was way way to much who ever wrote the recipe had big birds!!! 100g might be a good place to start. anyway once its mixed you can role it into a thin sausage in cling film then pop in freezer till it sets. Cut off slices of the set mix and stuff into cut pockets in the breasts. You are going to crumb these then deep fry.. To crumb Start with coating in flower then egg (2 eggs mixed with 200ml milk) Then crumbs I used panko crumbs. Repeat the egg and crumb process ie double coated. this is ridiculously messy... When a bread crumb fizzes upon entry the oil is ready. fry for 7 minutes. if they go brown its to hot. pure goodness!