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Thread: Goose cull today lake Ellesmere

  1. #1
    GSP Mad Munsey's Avatar
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    Mar 2012

    Goose cull today lake Ellesmere

    Was an unannounced goose cull from what I can make out to day , 8 ish boats and a chopper . Locked gates to the halswall river . Locals where not happy so a few chests where puffed out . They culled fuck all 250 -280 birds by sounds of it . There not many birds on the lake ,thank fuck .
    Rule 7: Avoid alcohol and drugs when handling firearms

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    spreydon christcurch.
    Interesting.-who did it and who authorised it.mate and i did a wee tiki tour on thursday and checked out a spot on the spit we hunted last year.swans galore and a few canadas,but also a rather large fresh KIA amongst em.it was fresh as the bloody hawks hadnt even arrived to dine!
    Id suspect this situation is gonna erupt inrto a hua of a barney if somethings not sorted.respect -some wouldnt know the meaning of the bloody word.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    They culled fuck all 250 -280 birds by sounds of it . There not many birds on the lake ,thank fuck .
    it is when you consider that they,re being hammered everywhere they go munsey presumembly that would have included goslings and every thing unlucky enough to be around??.if you factor in the kills at bromley the big whacks at kaitereri and the constant chopper harrasment in the rivers and high country its not a pretty picture . sure there,l be geese but in lot lower numbers and their paranoia will be even worse, so harder to hunt especially on public spots.its a crying shame its come to this and a national disgrace.wait till feds/doc decide parries swans are eating thier grass oh hang on thier considered natives so the bullshit and fight to declasify them might be harder.

  4. #4
    Member savagehunter's Avatar
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    Feb 2012
    Interesting as I would have seen that many on the drive back from akaroa and that's from the car at 100ks

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  5. #5
    GSP Mad Munsey's Avatar
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    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by gsp follower View Post
    it is when you consider that they,re being hammered everywhere they go munsey presumembly that would have included goslings and every thing unlucky enough to be around??.if you factor in the kills at bromley the big whacks at kaitereri and the constant chopper harrasment in the rivers and high
    country its not a pretty picture . sure there,l be geese but in lot lower numbers and their paranoia will be even worse, so harder to hunt especially on public spots.its a crying shame its come to this and a national disgrace.wait till feds/doc decide parries swans are eating thier grass oh hang on thier considered natives so the bullshit and fight to declasify them might be harder.
    Yes I've herd that they have smashed them in high country too ! but didn't want to say as it's too fucking depressing to mention .
    February opening for the geese was to me as good if not better than duck opening
    Rule 7: Avoid alcohol and drugs when handling firearms

  6. #6
    Member EeeBees's Avatar
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    past the gum trees on your left
    Do they collect the dead birds?
    ...amitie, respect mutuel et amour...

    ...le beau et le bon, cela rime avec Breton!...

  7. #7
    GSP Mad Munsey's Avatar
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    Yes they brought in a truck .
    Rule 7: Avoid alcohol and drugs when handling firearms

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Yes I've herd that they have smashed them in high country too ! but didn't want to say as it's too fucking depressing to mention .
    February opening for the geese was to me as good if not better than duck opening
    snap we usally have more fun in the sun and drunken comraderie,not to mention the crisp clear mornings, goose opening than duck
    i think the akaroa population was one of the few that escaped slaughter is due to thier problematic location and habits

  9. #9
    Member Uplandstalker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kotuku View Post
    Interesting.-who did it and who authorised it.
    I don't believe anyone this need to be authorised anymore. Only by the property owner for the use of firearms on the property I guess.

    Anyone can conduct a goose cull anywhere, provided they have the property owners permission. Not sure what the CAA requirements are for shooting from a chopper, but cannot be to hard to sort out, everyone with a chopper and a firearm is doing it and have since the 60's.

  10. #10
    GSP Mad Munsey's Avatar
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    You are right there upland stalker . Unfortunately they (goose) are not the bird that they once where and we hang on too . We don't cry when they cull goats , rabbits , and possum .
    Rule 7: Avoid alcohol and drugs when handling firearms

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    [QUOTE]Anyone can conduct a goose cull anywhere, provided they have the property owners permission. Not sure what the CAA requirements are for shooting from a chopper, but cannot be to hard to sort out, everyone with a chopper and a firearm is doing it and have since the 60's. [/QUOTE]

    doc would have to be involved with any operation involving elly or its land so therefore ngai tahu as well.private land sure but if they,re rounding them up off elly and driving them to slaughter on thier own land poppin off any stragglers, goslings and all ,then to me its a permit job and hopefuly this time they made a better fist of cleaning up the outriders they smashed and left.personaly besides the areas unable to be accessed because of public dangers and gun rules ,they can fuck off and leave whats left off the lake geese alon.e i shudder to think how few are going to return from the high country to moult or to feed and grow.
    Munsey and kotuku like this.

  12. #12
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    spreydon christcurch.
    dead bloody right.jesus wept if 8boats&a chopper can only come up with 280-285 in total for a cullthose geese are as high priced as a Xmas one at the supermarket.
    GSP-wonder if our DOC colleagues wilfully signed off on lead shot for this too-hehehe.
    my gut feeling is someone is gonna get their pedigree read to them in no uncertain terms at the rate things are going.
    Munsey likes this.

  13. #13
    Member Uplandstalker's Avatar
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    Dont get me wrong, I really enjoy my goose shooting. But, I think if any well known organisation (the Feds or even the NZGBHA - not that I'm implying that either of them were involved in this case) can approach the land owner, DOC, Ngai Tahu and adjacent landowners, and request to conduct an operation to reduce the bird numbers. If there was not cost to DOC, I suspect that approval would be given. This would of course come with some standard conditions regarding firearms.

    I don't agree that it should be done this way, but the Fed have budget is this type of operation and suspect others do too.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    You don't need anything more complicated than a DOC hunting permit to kill geese on the lake be it 1 or 10,000.

    kotuku - I don't think anyone is going to get slapped on the wrist with a wet bus ticket for this one given that nothing happened in the wrath of 2011. The more likely outcome is that they will do another cull as 250 must have been well under their target.
    Nathan F and Uplandstalker like this.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by MassiveAttack View Post
    You don't need anything more complicated than a DOC hunting permit to kill geese on the lake be it 1 or 10,000.

    kotuku - I don't think anyone is going to get slapped on the wrist with a wet bus ticket for this one given that nothing happened in the wrath of 2011. The more likely outcome is that they will do another cull as 250 must have been well under their target.
    id be surprised if doc issued another permit after the breaches of thier last one unless they were along to supervise??choppers cant just fly and shoot anywhere on public land theres height limits they can fly at for a start.to have a target number suggests they have had a count on the lake any nzgbha info or doc on the numbers???

    ps didnt ross millechamp used to be a f&g guy??he,s the area conservency manager for doc now
    Last edited by gsp follower; 07-01-2014 at 01:12 PM.



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