We arrived at the river to a mild frost on the ground this year but it didn't long for it to melt away and for the fog to clear to reveal another sun filled Southland opening morning.
This year we retreated back to an old haunt because of a change in the river that caused us some grief last opening, it proved to be a good move and we had 2 limits of Mallards on the bank by 11.30. Leaving the deks on the bank and in the river for the next day we went and set up our accommodation for the night and then visited the main pond to have a catch up with the guys and girls there. After a couple quite brews and a yarn we retreated back to the tent and created a small fire to keep warm whilst we had a few more brews and a laugh before a cold nights sleep.
Sunday morning was colder than than the previous morning and foggier to but once again it cleared into yet another fine day where sunscreen was required, the ducks were flying high and were cagey as and for the 2 hours we sat trying to bring them down and into shooting range our efforts went unrewarded.
A quick walk back to the tent and we pack up camp and then back to the river for the Deks etc, all in all a great weekend and it was good to get a couple of limits again for Saturday, Sunday has never gone well on the river but one day i'll work it out.