Over population /more shooters/declining habitat/ semi auto shotguns = 1. Ducks = 0.
Over population /more shooters/declining habitat/ semi auto shotguns = 1. Ducks = 0.
few hunters using semis are getting more because they have more shots, I don't think steel skybusters are even penetrating the skin I have killed ducks with steel from pellets hitting the head and neck and then noticed other pellets falling out of the feathers, no person in there right mind would choose steel over lead. There is not more ducks in my area and i have cut open over 100 gizards and still haven't found a single pellet, If farmers have been poisoning canadas and they have then how have they controlled poisoning other birds , They havent
I'm drawn to the mountains and the bush, it's where life is clear, where the world makes the most sense.
josh is dead right.ive run a semiauto for 5 or more years now and unless youve got bloody good self discipline you;ll go through ammo like shit through a goose.In my case the f..n goose had permanent diarroheoa............ ask any of my mates.
his season ive taken the extension off the mag ,gone back to 2 3/4 shells and strictly rationed my serlf to a max of two shots per bird(2nd if reqd) its hard going but im determined to get there. two birds under my belt but two birds well earned and numbers aint my forte.
bear in mind also these birds are adapting to a lot of new factors in our environments -decreasing habitats SEISMIC ACTIVITY (3+yrs in canterbury), and frequently changing farming scenarios /often a primary food source for our main gamebirds.
certainly here in canterbury ,and despite the last 3yrs disruptions .mallards are plentiful, but they aint gonna sit round and let you get the shot away for free.you gonna earn the shot or its goooodbye from a rapidly departing set of bum feathers.