Has anybody got a spare male pheasant.
My daughter is in her 3rd year of breeding pheasant and releasing, unfortunatly in storm we had recently, the male she had spooked and broke his neck.
Has anybody got a spare male pheasant.
My daughter is in her 3rd year of breeding pheasant and releasing, unfortunatly in storm we had recently, the male she had spooked and broke his neck.
I support the NZVHDTA
Phone 027 251 9118 Scott. I do not know him personally but he breeds heaps pheasants here.
"This is my Flag... Ill only have the one ..
Thanks, Happy
I support the NZVHDTA
Thanks Pointer,
We where sucessful from Happys lead, and now have a beautful Ringneck from Matamata.
I support the NZVHDTA
Shit there was one here a few days ago.............Must of gone AWOL
"Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
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