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  • 6 Post By Happy

Thread: Hawkes Bay Hospitality +++

  1. #1
    Member Happy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Hawkes Bay Hospitality +++

    Mate from Cambridge shoots on large station opening morning just outside Hastings. He got a call that the owner wanted some Parrie control urgently so we left real early Sat morning and drove down for a lookee

    10.30 after a quick coffee sees us set up in a paddock with heaps of duck shit on it nice new grass. Mates uncle on the quad putting them up but they just were way too weary so move on time.

    Returned to base to have a quick cook up then found another likely spot . This looked better than the previous and yes it was ......

    Name:  Parries.jpg
Views: 330
Size:  606.5 KB

    My first ever try of a layout blind.

    Name:  Parries 1.jpg
Views: 296
Size:  864.5 KB

    Got the hang of it pretty quickly and we were into them. I finished up with 10 or so and final tally not really sure of as the boys had them all cleaned and bagged for us before we
    finished hunting for the day. 6 Turkeys possibly more and we got a couple of mallards as well. Bought home a fair pile of meat so awesome.

    Enjoyable weekend for me as for a change I did no planning , no driving, and our hosts wouldn't even let us clean up.

    He ll be happy though when he opens his freezer and finds a pile of veni steaks we left in there ha ha ...

    We were leaving only to find out mates uncle had organised a visit to probably NZ best trophy room having been mates with a certain great hunter for quite some years.

    If you wish to view some of the contents go here http://www.nzhuntingandshooting.co.n...94/#post255221

    Back home mid Arvo Sunday in time for a nana nap .... 800 Kms of fun.. and great HB Hospitality
    "This is my Flag... Ill only have the one ..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    the bay seems to have parries everywhere even thru otane to elsthorpe where, when i was there[mid to late 70,s] they were pretty thin on the ground.
    but now theyre prolific. cool hunt and spot mate



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