Hows the prep goin team???
Im behind the 8ball this year -old age creeping in and my usual shaggin about .
however from the buggered if files
my wee tinny and outboard had been on loan to my son and his mate so they got returned-Had to fit new transom timber 13mmply did the job nicely .me wee3 old merc1109.8hp motor well it was bot playin the game .for some bloody reason it wouldnt go into gear. last mechanic I took it too said his labour would be more than the motors worth but did tell me how to fit a new impeller which i managed ,though thats 10yrs ago. Utube turned up the goods on this motor including a gerbox strip /service .Ididnt go that far but had the leg off 3-4times before yesterday finding a wire clip stuck in the mechanism.cant see where it goes ,but........when i put the leg back on bugge r me with a moist cucumber and call me bertram it bloody works!!!!!! a couple of bevvies and lotsa pats on my back were in order.
today weve sorted pDOCpermits -for anyone shooting on ellesmere they are a legal requirement. me ;ducks ,feral geese ,canada geese all valid for 12months. just email DOC Vistors centre in CHCH and theyll sort it for you at NO CHARGE(thats rarer than rocking horse shit these days ,Nz police HQ please note.) so on w/e will probably put boat in water and test drive it.A report in from last night -Son was fishing at harts creek reserve -large congregations of ducks in the area all seem in fairly good nick.havent heard what McBeans is like canada wise ,but no doubt we will find out!