Hot Barrels
my next 3 days. Waiting for my crew now ,who are on their way here. they will grab some clays and rounds and go and shoot some clays while I see my Onchologist. a quick stop at the super market to grab what ever and then down to the Maimais to set up for tommorrow. The boys are also going to make a bunk for me in the Maimai so I can rest when needed. Will shoot till till around 11am and then off to Whakatane for a cup of tea and lunch. Back to maimai around 1500hrs and will stay till end of shoot. That night I'm on tea so it Curry sausages and mashed potatoes. up again for te Sunday shoot and then pack up around 11am. back home 1 1/2hrs away to clean up and do prize giving. Next step is we pluck or breast our birds, the 3 best ones go into the dinnner menu for the Sunday game dinner. This is a collar and tie to the table and accompied by wines one would not normally buy. Its an earlier than usual tea but the crews have alot of milage to get throu 4hrs before they get home, so get them on the road sooner. Whats your plan.
Going to the dam i shoot after lunch to drop decoy's etc off, shoot saturday all day and sunday morning. Just me and my young dog this year:cool:
good luck to everyone :thumbsup:
nt going out till tomorrow afternoon picking a mate up and then we,l have a codgers avo/evening on the lake
My buddy and I are heading out onto the Kaipara around 9pm in separate boats. We will set up about a mile from each other, get the decoys set on the last of the incoming tide (10.45pm) then have a kip till daylight. Will stay on the boats till sunday midday then head back to the ramp. Its my 59th opening day in a row. First accompanied my old man when I was 7............and the excitement levels are still the same as that first day opening.
@Gapped axe .............If you get to Auckland during this season I will take you out for a couple of hours on the big water, everything will be supplied including ammo, 1187 etc. All you have to do is sit back and enjoy.........Being retired I can do most weekdays but weekends are normally tied up working on charters. Pm me if you are interested.
Waited for brother and nephew to arrive from the north then we shot down this arvo and brushed up a bit of a stand above the river amongst the totara trees, last minute spot jacked up after lockdown. Shorts and a T shirt seemed like a good idea at the time but now I look like I've been pig hunting in a forestry block in my undies. That totara is a bit harsh when your in the thick of it.
Then we shot off to suss our evening block comprising of about 200+ acres of maize stubble. Fair to say there was some duck activity but come tomorrow evening they will be cagey and dispersed. Should bang a few down tho
Then home for some quiet beers and cleaning of guns.
Hot barrels and safe shooting to all.
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All set down here , typically we have gone from hard frosts to warm & sunny conditions iv packed my singlet & sunnys , good number of birds on the pond So fingers x we have a good shoot .
Good luck lads .