Forum: Game Bird Hunting

  1. Waterfowl ammo?

    Started by Scouser‎, 04-04-2013 12:43 PM
    3 Pages
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    • Replies: 36
    • Views: 7,210
    22-04-2013, 02:53 PM Go to last post
  2. Goose hunt

    Started by upnorth uplander‎, 01-03-2013 03:46 PM
    5 Pages
    1 2 3 ... 5
    12g, 870, action, bbq, blind, british, chip, cooking, decoys, die, drive, eating, eel, ellesmere, fabarm, far north, feed, firing, gadgets, gamebird, gsp, heading, honk, hook, hunt, hunting, hunting., lake, law, north, pest, phone, pond, range, red, reload, rushy, shoot, shooting, shooting range, shot, swede, toby, trip, truck
    • Replies: 60
    • Views: 7,341
    21-04-2013, 07:20 PM Go to last post
  3. Exciting this season.....

    Started by Breda‎, 15-04-2013 11:06 PM
    3 Pages
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    4wd, 695, 6mmbr, 870, accurate, action, army, automatic, birds, blind, camera, dead, decoys, deer, dog, duck, duck shooting, extension, gear, gun, half, hunt, hunting, north, optics, photo, pics, poi, pond, round, second hand, semi auto, shooting, shot, toby, truck, turn
    • Replies: 41
    • Views: 4,951
    20-04-2013, 02:25 PM Go to last post
  4. Christchurch/ rakaia duck numbers

    Started by PerazziSC3‎, 16-04-2013 06:45 PM
    canada, christchurch, decoys, duck, ducks, heading, lake, open, pond, rakaia, river, road, shoot, shooting
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 1,473
    19-04-2013, 05:52 PM Go to last post
  5. Natural Game Trials for Pointers & Setters

    Started by el borracho‎, 07-11-2012 02:56 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    2011, accurate, auckland, ballot, canada, cheap, club, competition, dead, dog, dogs, fired, german, gsp, gundog, gwp, how to, hunters, hunting, hunting., level, match, north, objective, pigeon, poi, positions, rabbits, range, river, rotorua, round, shooting, shot, son, subs, tac, thank you, top, versa, win, woodhill, zealand
    • Replies: 16
    • Views: 3,250
    19-04-2013, 05:07 AM Go to last post
  6. Warm Up!!!

    Started by EeeBees‎, 06-04-2013 12:04 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    bag, buy, double, duck, ducks, pigeon, rushy, screen, shooting, sign, toby, youth
    • Replies: 19
    • Views: 2,769
    18-04-2013, 10:09 PM Go to last post
  7. Upland ammo

    Started by upnorth uplander‎, 03-04-2013 09:00 PM
    2 Pages
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    • Views: 3,077
    15-04-2013, 08:29 PM Go to last post
  8. Geese with a side of venison.....

    Started by SHOOTA‎, 11-04-2013 09:25 PM
    223, calling, duck, duck shooting, hells, hunt, photo, shoot, shooting, toby, venison, youtube
    • Replies: 13
    • Views: 1,486
    15-04-2013, 07:36 PM Go to last post
  9. Waikato News

    Started by Happy‎, 21-02-2013 09:41 AM
    5 Pages
    1 2 3 ... 5
    223, 338, 6.5, auckland, axe, bags, bastards, bow, case, cheap, dog, double, drake, duck, duck decoys, duck hunting, duck shooting, ducks, emergency, empty, exchange, face, farmer, fish, forum, gamebird, german, gsp, gun, hunt, hunters, hunting, hunting., indicating, june, lake, length, level, lost, mags, max, northland, parries, poi, pond, pump, ranger, report, road, rotorua, rushy, shells, shoot, shooters, shot gun, shotgun, small game, sounds, spare, techniques, toby, trout, vermin, waterfowl
    • Replies: 60
    • Views: 8,229
    15-04-2013, 06:02 PM Go to last post
  10. Fish and game waikato

    Started by Burb122‎, 10-04-2013 09:16 PM
    block, buy, duck, fish, hunt, june, river, shoot, shot
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 1,714
    11-04-2013, 12:27 PM Go to last post
  11. NZGBHA

    Started by upnorth uplander‎, 13-03-2013 12:01 PM
    2 Pages
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    association, birds, box, bunny, dog, hunters, hunting, member, nelson, north, north island, shoot, toby, ute, zealand
    • Replies: 18
    • Views: 3,834
    08-04-2013, 08:19 PM Go to last post
  12. Southland Duck Shooting

    Started by duck-kila‎, 01-04-2013 08:22 AM
    2 Pages
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    20 gauge, article, away, bang, double, duck, duck shooting, ducks, ellesmere, gamebird, hook, lake, land, phone, rage, rain, shoot, shooters, shooting, shot, southland, toby, waterfowl
    • Replies: 18
    • Views: 3,994
    03-04-2013, 07:23 PM Go to last post
  13. kayak shooting

    Started by jadeboyd7‎, 30-03-2013 08:24 PM
    300, ammo, auckland, birds, bright, buy, camo, canada, drive, duck, duck hunting, duck shooting, ducks, gun, hunter, hunting, jacket, kayak, long distance, orange, rifle, round, shoot, shooting, shot, shot gun, shotgun, shoulder, sling, top, trigger, trigger guard
    • Replies: 13
    • Views: 2,194
    02-04-2013, 01:13 PM Go to last post
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,646
    23-03-2013, 02:31 PM Go to last post
  14. Is there a lawyer out there???!

    Started by Kiwi-Hunter‎, 07-03-2013 09:18 PM
    3 Pages
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    • Views: 5,058
    22-03-2013, 05:55 PM Go to last post
  15. Proposed banning of lead shot in sub gauge shotguns report from Southland

    Started by Mike H‎, 20-02-2013 08:04 PM
    8 Pages
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    1080, 12 gauge, 12g, 20 gauge, 2011, 20g, 20ga, 410, 782, 870, accurate, auckland, bastards, bay, body, bright, bullets, canterbury, case, cheap, clays, coast, dogs, duck hunting, duck shooting, ducks, eating, eel, empty, face, feed, fish, food, germany, gsp, gundog, guns, hawkes, hawkes bay, how to, hunt, hunters, hunting, hunting., information, introduction, law, lifetime, loads, north, north island, opinions, parts, pest, phone, poison, rabbits, recoil, recommendations, report, shooters, shot, smaller, southland, summer, toby, top, tundra, usa, ute, velocity, visa, wanted, waterfowl, wellington, win, wizard, youth, zealand
    • Replies: 108
    • Views: 14,102
    18-03-2013, 08:20 PM Go to last post
  16. Question two youngsters looking to shoot some ducks

    Started by otagolad‎, 16-03-2013 03:35 AM
    away, black, blind, caller, callers, camp, dead, death, decoys, doc, dog, duck, duck shooting, ducks, edge, forum, gun, guns, how to, hunters, otago, poi, river, round, shoot, shooting, stalking, tips, tussock, waitaki
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 1,444
    16-03-2013, 06:13 PM Go to last post
  17. Rules and Regulations for up coming Season.

    Started by Dundee‎, 15-03-2013 10:20 PM
    auckland, hunting, toby
    • Replies: 10
    • Views: 1,484
    16-03-2013, 02:47 AM Go to last post
  18. Whats your solutions to the duck decline?

    Started by Mike H‎, 23-02-2013 12:00 AM
    6 Pages
    1 2 3 ... 6
    12 gauge, 20g, 30cal, arrow, bang, bastards, birds, case, clays, creek, dead, die, doc, dog, dogs, duck, duck shooting, ducks, eating, edge, eel, empty, face, feed, food, fox, gamebird, gsp, gun, hawkes, hawkes bay, introduction, june, land, land access, law, level, lost, mallard, match, napier, north island, opinions, otago, permits, pest, pigs, poaching, poi, predator, private land, public land, pukeko, quiet, ranger, ranges, river, round, rushy, rust, shoot, shooters, shooting, shot, sight, sight in, southland, survival, techniques, tent, toby, top, tracking, trapping, trip, trout, truck, usa, ute, waitaki, wanted, win, young hunter, youtube
    • Replies: 79
    • Views: 9,368
    11-03-2013, 06:47 PM Go to last post
  19. More ducks !!!

    Started by linyera‎, 08-03-2013 01:00 AM
    argentina, bag, duck, duck shooting, ducks, shooting
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 1,450
    08-03-2013, 09:25 AM Go to last post


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