But does it ghost load
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Nope doesn't ghost load-only time it did something like that was when the magazine follower got sticky and the shell never came through, but that isn't what you mean.
Mmmm....cut fingers from the shell lifter..... never had that.
But I did take a big chunk out of tip of my right thumb from the extractor on the A5 one day. Putting shell in with one hand and pushing release with other.
Fecking hurt, and bled like a stuck pig. Didn't hurt my shooting, shot a 25 out of 25 in DTL and got to 13 in the shoot off before dipping out. Did it on about the 4-5th clay too.
Watch out for that now I can tell you.
well gimly old son apart frome apparently last year which i missed and 4 years ago which i didnt today was the most realistic duckshooters day wheather for the mead te pirita shoot ever:)
first 25 were cold wetish and a bit breezy second 25 still and a bit cold but made 4 years ago look way worse.
19/25 and13/25 fuck knows why the aecond lot were a bit trickier but the wheather was way better and my hands werent slipping of the gun or it getting stiuck under my waterlogged jackets armpit like the first round.
still i love compact 5 stand whatever you want to call it.
and to certain aquaintances who didnt show ,mr pilot i cant understand why, but you other two it wasnt that bad.
harden up you poofters it not as if your dog died:D
lakes been open since friday shit i hope none up the top end are left high and dry.
we should be fine hell i,l put shells out to if there dry land or mud :O_O:
well yes and no.apart from my arkwright imitation which had me toting all but the kitchen sink,and finding my bloody duck calls hanging behind the bedroom door ,twas great to shoot with tow llifelong mates.alas the need for a dog stood out like a stud bulls bollocks but all in all its the occasion that counts
That parrie issue stil lhas me thinking-driving homw isaw numerous freshly worked paddocks holding good seagull populations so ?parries feeding there and hoochied up in a pond or two just off lake edge.
anyone else shooting ellesmere experience this ??
just been on Trademe message board -yup iits started some southland vegan fucking greenie lambasting us mercenaries for picking on poor wee ducks-"fill ya fridge from packn'save".bloody pity its ol man didnt fill the fridge instead of fillin mum!
was gonna reply but that would have curdled me beer ..thought nah fuck em dont feed their nauseous smug selfrighteousness.!!
the more i deal with humans the more I see DNA has some real defects!