Not sure
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Two weeks prior to 7th of April I normally receive email notification from F & G
Went yesterday to see if I could locate our balloted Maimai for the next 3 years.Eventually found it underneath a large gorse bush. The last guys hadn't done much to improve it and maintain it. Oh well part of the lucky dip with ballots I suppose. Needs a new front wall and floor, the other walls and seating will require attention also. Gorse bush will stay for camouflage aid. That spikey acacia type bush behind us will definitely get Round Upped. Will have to be alert and attentive to our shooting direction, as the public car park is in range of falling shot. Still looks to be worth the effort for the allocated time period we have it. Whakatane Game Club just down the road for tea, Rugby on the telly and the Awakeri hot pools handy, so all good. There would of been 120 + ducks on the water halfway down the Lagoon another 40 or so flying around. Will be going across this coming weekend to work on the improvements.
not long now....
We "borrowed " about 120000 litres water yesterday and the pond is topped up rather nicely thank you very much.
Blimin hard work sitting with a box watching the water flow tell you that for free..
Pic tomora as dark when we left the Mai Mai..
Why does the weather never shit itself like this during bird shooting season:pissed off:
Not a cloud in the sky and not a breath of wind (For a change) working on repairing a slipway Singlet and shorts and of cause a hat. Bloody hot as.
@Nathan F if youre up Karikari during the season let me know and we can chase some phezzies.
Pic with the "borrowed water:. We ll give it back via evaporation ha ha @Dundee The tide was out about 4 to 5 foot lower than it is now.
Rest of the place is browned out cos no rain but this is a little oasis and piece of paradise ... :thumbsup:
Ducks bombing in big time on the night flight so far...
Attachment 21161
nice looking pond Happy
Nobody has done anything there for a while. I have been working most weekends and havn't been down since pulling the raupo. Hope to get down before they lock the gate to rebuild the maimai. Not ideal leaving it this late, but bloody work!!!! I will call in on the way past in case you are there at the same time.
Its when you can lay claim to a mai mai,years ago they issued steel tags and hammered them onto pegs for duckshooting pozzies.
There use to be quite a few pegs at the river with these tags. Now we just tear off a tag that comes with the licence.
120 odd ducks on the pond today when topping up the feeder. Time to ramp it up soon
The feeders working wonders on the Monday / Tuesday pond after opening too :)
Up to 200 at a conservative estimate at present . Loving the barley !
Tagged the maimai yesterday all in all looking positive for a good season number wise a good mix of species, spent a good two hours on the loppers recutting the access track for my truck. Where do my rates go? In past years vegetation control has been done by the Regional Council.
Took the ultralight for a walk as when you have a view like this out the back of the maimai why not!
Quick leg stretch up to Midway no replies to my roars but you don't get them sitting on the couch
Not the target species come 1st Saturday in May but always cool to see
Mint location there,cool pics.
looks bloody dry up there. Not much grass on those clearings. Ponds mint
It's the head of a Lake, culvert pipes enable water flow through from the river. Dairy cockies had their irrigators turned off but were feeding out plenty of silage.
Also guys plenty of maimai's that are spare if you want to put the effort in rebuild / brush up - most dingy access though need to have use of one.
Got my floaters and standing ones out already:pissed off:
Attachment 22431
I am loving your fully flocked cowcoys Dundee. Did you buy them locally or import them from the states?
We just pour sacks straight in and around the dam.Works well for us.Attachment 22446
Monday / Tuesday ponds looking sick. Hundreds roosting in the gravel alongside the pit
looking forward to it. theres are heap around .