Rivers have good numbers still waiting for a few ponds to fill:)
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Rivers have good numbers still waiting for a few ponds to fill:)
Haven't been too big pond since last season went thru property today all our planting was in vain as cattle and sheep have been there:pissed off:But can't complain too much I suppose as it has water.:ORLY:
i went down and had a wee rebuild of my maimai, its a shame none of my mates want to shoot this yearAttachment 22836Attachment 22837Attachment 22838
Haha love the pic of lining up the hammer. I did the same thing last weekend with the sledge hammer
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At the river tonight they were flocking in:D Those parries are dumb they call when they bomb in:roll:
Countdown to 3. Mai 2014 06:30 in Wellington
16 days whoop whoop
dose anyone know who sells cheapish decentish camo nets? i dont want to deforest my area trying to scrub up the new hide.
15 bux at the red house
well i think my rain dance worked at the swamp last weekend haha :thumbsup:
Attachment 23056 few ducks on the opening pond :) hard to see abit missty :0
I enjoy scrubbing the hut , its a good day with the mates and a few cold ones at the end. I'm thinking that I might plant a native climber or creeper to cover the maimai next year , something that isn't to invasive like a clematis , potato vine or climbing hydrangea. Has anyone tried this or are doing this???
Just back from the opening pond now. Snuck in after dark with 40 kg of barley on my shoulder. Feeders topped up. Currently distributing 30 secs of goodness over the morning. Lots of residents. Last supper administered and last rites read.
Saturday morning shits about to get real.
Not long now. Who's ready ?
I better find my decoys tomorrow and buy a licence and box of 20g ammo on thursday then I'll be ready
It feels odd cause I'm normally really amped for duck shooting but this year is meh.
Know the feeling Toby, not sure I will even bother with a license this year, maybe chase a few pheasants on the family place and leave the decoys in the cupboard.
Listen to you couple of old bah humbugs.
scrubbed up the maimai on sunday, re painted and re weighted all my deeks, tuned the callers, dusted off the waders, im chomping at the bit to get back down to the lake and set up now. only 4 days 11 hours 5 mins and 55 secons left!!
We're all ready to go too! Can't wait! Hunting fallow this week should keep it off my mind! Haha.
not the same this opening weekend with my lab out of action. after taken on a big boar at the pond while finishing the mai mai
he has rips from his neck to his back led . the worse one severed hes shoulder muscle.but he should be fine in 2 weeks. stupid dog he was holding it well
Small change of plans. I'll use the 12g so I'll buy a box 12g steel now not 20g ammo :(
So the new rules regarding magazine fed shotguns. They have to be plugged so no more than 3 shells can be loaded (2 magazine, 1 chamber) - otherwise you lose your shooter. What's the deal with the plugs? I guess they in any H&F store?
Most magazine shotguns would come with one.
One of my shotguns did, but I brought an 870 off a mate who had lost the box with the chokes and I assume the mag plug. Ill have a look tonight. Might have to rangi one up, lol.
I will look forward to shooting with 8 up the spout here again in gods own this opening :cool:
whats this about the 3 shell ilmit
Fuck me, got 2 boxes of 20g ammo today. $40!!! dont buy ammo in wairoa ffs.
With the dry spell in the Far Nth @Pointer and co wont be travelling Nth for opening. Most ponds up here are dry so not expecting alot of duck action on Saturday. I will still sit in the maimai on Saturday morning but think I will be chasing upland for most of the weekend.
Same rule was in last year for Auckland waikato Dowling does the job but make sure it only allows 3 2 3\4 shells that's what the ranger tested mine with last year
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