im inclined to agree tim.
the incongruity of a licencee funded organisation treating its shareholders like mushrooms is also not lost on me.
could it be they expect a far greater tourist based cash injection to out wiegh our meagre contributions

why when preserves in the aw region felt slighted by not bieng able to do what was already happening in other regions,did they mount a
pr offensive via media including geoff thomas outdoors show??
but no one?them the most? wants to have a open disscussion on mallaRD releases private or preserve based??
why was eastern region able ,against a nationaly stated policy able to change the preserve rules on duckshooting with nary a cough or splutter at national level .
surely lindsey lyons cant claim ignorance of the policy as he,s national chairman aS WELL AS A EASTERN COUNCILLOR.
AS FOR the 2 day hen pheasant take the less said about that bit of short sighted stupidity the better..
perhaps theyre frightened of a uprising ?licencees seeing duck releases as the straw that broke the proverbial?
more likely theyre hoping thier releases will be seen as philanthropic gestures to the duck hunting public which clearly they arent as evidenced by aw draft report.
without predator control and follow up which f&g says they dont have the dough or the time for, mallard release would be useless so are they backing secretly or otherwise preserve/ private releases even knowing the limitations and possible detriments to the average gunner. ??.
preserves are businesses and will expect a return on those releases and if aw are correct most of those birds will never leave the preserves alive but how many wild birds will mobs of tame fed mallards draw.
as has been pointed out to me tourist operators touting shooting trips need guarenteed targets and hopefuly more than a 3 month window to target them.
hence maybe the move to delist parries along with geese i imagine that would make a hunters anytime shooting trip to nz worth the gamebird side hunt.
preserves already have longer seasons for the some of the gamebirds they provide imagine that extended to mallards they release.