I love watching and admiring Spoonbill ducks and have never shot one.
In the last three years I have been delighted to have a pair of spoonies hanging around my pond. This Christmas past a spoony duck had a nest and clutch of eggs under a small weeping willow on the edge of the pond. I cut gorse and piled it on the sides and behind the nest so that no cat or ferret could grab her while sitting and she could just drop into the water with her wee ones when they hatched. I started thinking about how cool pet spoonies would be, but had these hopes dashed when I read that because they are insect feeders attempts to domesticate them have failed.
I have thought about how to get around this without answer and then yesterday something amazing happened, I heard squeaking and funny noises in the vege garden and as near as I could guess it sounded like Puks when they are talking to each other. I raced to chase them out of the lettuces, Cavelo Nero, corn, or what ever else they were destroying. What a surprise, a Spoony duck with seven 'lings under a bird net covering the new silverbeet plants. She flapped and squeaked and lifted the net leaving the wee ones. I let them out and they headed through the veges towards her calls in the paddock. What they were doing there I have no idea, it's 250 metres to the pond. Not the same bird I had seen nesting at Christmas but a real thrill to have them come to the house !