Read the question and answer page on F & G, 2019 tag will secure your spot if no season in 2020 until 2021, also they will refund the licence fee :-)
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Refund? Surely if that happens I would expect license fees to be increased next year.
Pegs from the 2019 season will carry over to the 2020 season provided you have a valid 2020 game bird licence.
You do not need to have purchased your 2020 licence by April 5th (pegging day) for your peg to stand, provided you have a valid 2020 licence by Opening Weekend.
From the fish and game website..
In other words we will take your money this year "so you will be allowed to save your spot so you can pay us again next year to actually hunt it" sounds like F&G.
Personally I view the licence fee as a TAX so that if I have the misfortune to bump into one of their enforcers while out hunting I get to keep my propety
No if there is no duck shooting this year your liscence money is refunded. F/G a tax, come on I give you more credit than that. F/G isintirely funded by the participants be it gamebird hunting or sport fishing. If you have the misfortune (not a good description) to met an enforcer again dumb. If you have the good luck to meet a representative of F/G in the field, be confident in the knowledge that those other sport men around you are also playing by the same rules as you. Also take the time to ask them questions as every Ranger I know is a keen if not competent sportsman like yourself. A lot of F/G finances go into protecting our sporting resources, the plain fact with out them you won’t have a sport. I have always enjoyed your blogs, but this one is way off the mark. Now a safe distance man hug and hopefully a season.
Odt saying its off down here
They are jumping the gun I reason,announcement being made tomorrow..heres hoping..
so if we get refund on licence,do we have to give back the goodies that came with purchase???which are by now ver 2nd hand having been tested and tried out numerous times to assertian there usefullness....and if not who will be paying the retailer who provided them????
if there is a refund for the gamebird season we could/should argueably also get a partial refund for the portion of the fishing licence too...some of us dont fish buggerall during the first months of the season yet hound lakes at this time of year......feeding out grain to ducks at same time.....last year we were fishing every weekend,sometimes twice a weekend,boated trout went in freezer to get us through the off season.......
yes I may well be able to fish all year open lakes if and when we let out of lockdown BUT a good portion of season has been removed from us.
For years people have been saying opening should be changed each year to fuck the ducks up...this year there is a chance of never knows, it might become a permanent fixture.
its at least a month too late to be most efficent.....but lets hope like stink we get one this year.
Hopefully not so many young pinfeather covered birds!
looks like it will either be weekend before or weekend after gypsy day.......
so I dont know about you other fellow waterfowlers but my biological clock is telling me its nearly D-Day......Im starting to have those yearly midnight brain explosions and waking up after nightmares of biblical proportion ballsups . lastnights brain explosion saw me get up and check the fridge for ingrediants...this morning my spoonie decoys slategrey heads got some BLING....mettalic blue nail polish,just a light smear to give wee bluey sheen.... that involved getting the decoys out of drums AGAIN.....they are getting dizzy as thats about the fourth time they have been out. all had touch up paint....have been restrung where needed and have tried sinkers inplace again...put in bread bag so dont get tangled.
boats been painted...kayaks painted twice....
ammo has been out and counted,sorted into boxes
callers blown,oiled the wooden ones with canola.
lanyard made for two.
mate lent caller to learn on...he presently doing the weight/string thing.
OH the sweet misery of the waiting......roll on 06;45 opening morning
Did my decoys lines today anyone tried the Texas rig way of doing decoy strings?looks effective if you hunt shallow water..I use the old tyre tube rubber and on most of mine,some have the j shape weight with a piece of elastic to keep tension on it,I need variable length of cord as the lake I hunt varies a lot in depth.
we use 15-50lb nylon...normally we have short length pernanently on decoy and make up 10'ish lengths with loop in both ends...slip loop through decoy loop/swivel or clip on snap swivel....other end,poke loop through weight then drop weight back through loop....put half dozen in dingy and row out n set them while mates make up another half dozen...this year Ive put lines on them all and weights and slipped them into bread bags to try to avoid tangling...will see how it pans out...I keep looking at the reusable grocery bags,2-3 decoys would fit in one easy.....