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Thread: no lead from 2021

  1. #61
    Gone................. mikee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike H View Post
    I'm not even going to give KWB the decency of a complete response until I can interpret his diatribe. He must spend a lot of time hacking up people's responses into separate quotes.

    As for Hull, they're a small player here so there may be restrictions on them. One of the suppliers I've talked to actually supplies H & F, another one, one of my good friends works for as a rep, can't get a much better source than that. As to naming them I'm not going to just so he can go annoy the shit out of them. Time will show me to be correct and arguing with a nobody on here won't achieve much.

    I can understand Target Products not getting into the market. Its going to be a smaller market than it is now as most of the sub gauge guys are just going to go back to a 12 gauge. Then again you probably wouldn't have bet on them making steel target ammo but yet they do.
    There are way more reasons to use a sub-guage than just the ability to use lead. As I have said I will try non-toxic when I can actually buy it locally and i will give it a fair crack but since i dont really shoot waterfowl much at all then its really moot point. Actually It might mean more flag the sport of duck-shooting and move to other things

    You would have thought that F&G would be advocating for the the majority views of its license-holders what ever that may be (however with out seeing any actual numbers the numbers I suspect like all things its been hijacked by the "squeeky wheel minority"

    I really could not give a toss either way all I have ever asked is to be able to buy non toxic loads locally and only time will tell if this actually ever happens but I won't be holding my breath
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  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike H View Post
    I'm not even going to give KWB the decency of a complete response until I can interpret his diatribe. He must spend a lot of time hacking up people's responses into separate quotes.

    As for Hull, they're a small player here so there may be restrictions on them. One of the suppliers I've talked to actually supplies H & F, another one, one of my good friends works for as a rep, can't get a much better source than that. As to naming them I'm not going to just so he can go annoy the shit out of them. Time will show me to be correct and arguing with a nobody on here won't achieve much.

    I can understand Target Products not getting into the market. Its going to be a smaller market than it is now as most of the sub gauge guys are just going to go back to a 12 gauge. Then again you probably wouldn't have bet on them making steel target ammo but yet they do.
    no mikey I just like to dissect peoples bullshit stories piece by piece.

    One of the big distributors, not a shop, said he'd bring in even one case if I wanted
    it must be love mike

    As for Hull, they're a small player here so there may be restrictions on them. One of the suppliers I've talked to actually supplies H & f
    bullshit cough cough BULLSHIT.
    ive talked to 3 separate franchise,es they have no intention of ordering any so that makes your supplier opinion redundant.
    You would have thought that F&G would be advocating for the the majority views of its license-holders what ever that may be (however with out seeing any actual numbers the numbers I suspect like all things its been hijacked by the "squeeky wheel minority
    you,d think so especialy after mikey and pauly got spanked for jumping the gun and not consulting their licence buyers in the first place.
    but no they,ve talked csi and eastern and a few of their other shooting buddies in other regions to support them and they,ve got the numbers now.
    you wont see any concrete numbers of 20 gauge users even less chance for the 16 or 28.
    but ok its in but please don't bullshit us its gonna be sunshine and lolliepops
    Time will show me to be correct and arguing with a nobody on here won't achieve much.
    are you under the mistaken impression your somebody mike?
    unfortunately mike no you just sit alongside somebody at the southland meetings
    Last edited by gsp follower; 12-06-2017 at 09:30 PM.

  3. #63
    Gold member Pointer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikee View Post
    There are way more reasons to use a sub-guage than just the ability to use lead. As I have said I will try non-toxic when I can actually buy it locally and i will give it a fair crack but since i dont really shoot waterfowl much at all then its really moot point. Actually It might mean more flag the sport of duck-shooting and move to other things

    You would have thought that F&G would be advocating for the the majority views of its license-holders what ever that may be (however with out seeing any actual numbers the numbers I suspect like all things its been hijacked by the "squeeky wheel minority"

    I really could not give a toss either way all I have ever asked is to be able to buy non toxic loads locally and only time will tell if this actually ever happens but I won't be holding my breath
    So whats the problem? if you only shoot upland, and the odd duck then one box of steel for the 20 wont break the bank. It really is business as usual for upland hunters who use a sub-gauge.

    As for availability, if I can find 2.5 inch shells for a 16 gauge in this fair country, (in Dunedin of all places!) then I'm sure some clever cookie will bring in steel game loads for the 20. I think a few here need to untangle thy titties. It's not like you didn't see it coming, and they've given both shooters and ammo suppliers plenty of time to adapt.

    As for the I don't use a 20 just so I can shoot lead, well, lets see how many sub-gauges get punted off on TM soon. And those that would give up duck shooting because they have to use steel probably weren't that keen to start with. If it was your passion you'd find a way to do it.

  4. #64
    Gold member Pointer's Avatar
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    And I will add, this is coming from a guy who doesn't own a 12 bore. one 16, two 20s and a 28 bore.
    EeeBees and mikee like this.

  5. #65
    Gone................. mikee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pointer View Post
    And I will add, this is coming from a guy who doesn't own a 12 bore. one 16, two 20s and a 28 bore.
    I don't have an issue with using it.................................. the issue I have is buying it locally. I don't want to buy a slab only a couple boxes to keep just in case, nordo I want to faf about with ordering it online and paperwork from "the boys we all love and trust" I just want to be able to go to the store buy it and I'm not even meaning cheap, hell I would quite happily buy 2-3 boxes of Bismuth ammo if I could find it

    And I already know quite a few guys who have swapped ducks for geese!!

    Myself Id swap ducks for clays any day. Quail and Pheasants however I will continue to chase no matter how hard it gets or how the rules change.
    EeeBees likes this.
    Trust the dog.........................................ALWAYS Trust the dog!!

  6. #66
    Gold member Pointer's Avatar
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    I'm sure it will be available. In fact, a good side business opportunity for someone?

    Great thing about the 4 year weaning period is that we'll know by then if steel is available or not. If not,then we can all rush out and buy a 10 gauge I love an excuse to buy another gun...
    mikee likes this.

  7. #67
    Gone................. mikee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pointer View Post
    I'm sure it will be available. In fact, a good side business opportunity for someone?

    Great thing about the 4 year weaning period is that we I'll know by then if steel is available or not. If not,then we can all rush out and buy a 10 gauge I love an excuse to buy another gun...
    Personally the best thing I can see it I may finally get my SxS 28ga at a reasonable price
    Wirehunt likes this.
    Trust the dog.........................................ALWAYS Trust the dog!!

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by gsp follower View Post
    your so fulla shit gq your eyes are brown,
    killwell lists no 20 gauge steel nor does nz ammo co or ammo nz or tom dick and fuckin harry incorporated.
    the only place your using steel clay loads is setups like treetops guys [where you undoubtabley get yours from]or practise shoots at those type of setups
    I,l have no choice but to adapt but just cos you used to be something in F&g don't try and make out its for our own good and it,l be easy .
    Oh really, so I've never been and picked up Gamebore 20G steel direct from Kilwell, and then had trips back over the Mamaku's with 20 slabs making the arse of my ute drag on the ground? Well you'll forgive me for not losing any sleep on that while you unravel the mystery of the Gamebore ghost-ammo then. As I said to Mike via PM, I'm pretty much cleaned out of NSI stuff at the moment and I'm down to the last two slabs of B&P 12G steel target ammo....which according to your research doesn't exist.

    And nope, I've never shot at Treetops. Gully-shoots, and sporting is what I enjoy though.

    It's a shame that you're not willing to listen to the information that people are freely sharing with you. You're solely focussed on finding excuses on why something couldn't possibly work, instead of using the energy constructively to actually make it work for you. Throwing people's names around like you do, innuendo and unfounded accusations just tells me that you're still looking for someone to blame. Sad really, it doesn't seem worth the negative energy to me.
    Mike H and upnorth uplander like this.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by gsp follower View Post
    so barry fosters the hull agent iN Christchurch is a liar is he ??
    hunting and fishing to ??
    their exact words we have no plans to import 20 gauge steel nor have we imported any .
    I'd be disappointed if that was the response from the Hull Agent. But atleast you know that you don't need to give any of your hard earned cash if he isn't prepared to support the shooters who have supported him in the past.

    And no disrespect to the persons you may have spoken to at H&F shops, but the decisions around importing things like ammo (being subject to a fair bit of negotiation, given the volumes they order) is done a fair way up the tree, like at Board level. And since it was their annual conference in Auckland last week, I'd say the important people were busy up there.
    Mike H likes this.

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by gqhoon View Post
    I'd be disappointed if that was the response from the Hull Agent. But atleast you know that you don't need to give any of your hard earned cash if he isn't prepared to support the shooters who have supported him in the past.

    And no disrespect to the persons you may have spoken to at H&F shops, but the decisions around importing things like ammo (being subject to a fair bit of negotiation, given the volumes they order) is done a fair way up the tree, like at Board level. And since it was their annual conference in Auckland last week, I'd say the important people were busy up there.
    you said yourself gq theres gotta be a demand too make it worthwhile.
    plus ive already told you he said a minimum order would apply for him and me ..
    so obviously you and mike have the numbers for 20 gauge users ??
    and if a local maker wouldn't do it without the extra freight and hassle an overseas importer faces not to mention our high dollar.
    why would anyone ??
    what you really don't want to own up to is the fact that if your wrong which I believe you are.
    every pump semi or other moderately priced 20 gauge loses 30 t0 50 % of its value the day this becomes law and you cant get waterfowl suitable loads for it.
    less if it say a beretta browning or something of that ilk.
    if that turns out to be true gun owners and licence buyers will know exactly whom to thank wont they.
    I'm down to the last two slabs of B&P 12G steel target ammo....which according to your research doesn't exist.
    why would I be remotely interested in 12 gauge b&p steel in a discussion of subgauge steel you nob
    Oh really, so I've never been and picked up Gamebore 20G steel direct from Kilwell, and then had trips back over the Mamaku's with 20 slabs making the arse of my ute drag on the ground?
    minimum order was it ??
    I said they have none advertised nor does anyone else
    Last edited by gsp follower; 13-06-2017 at 02:26 AM.

  11. #71
    Member Nathan F's Avatar
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    You women that shoot sub guages just need to man up and throw your rubbish on the heap where it belongs and get 12ga and get on with it

  12. #72
    Gold member Pointer's Avatar
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    12 gauge is for the weak. 10 bore is a mans gun!
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  13. #73
    Join Date
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    3.5 inch 12g killed the 10g.

  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nathan F View Post
    You women that shoot sub guages just need to man up and throw your rubbish on the heap where it belongs and get 12ga and get on with it
    oh Nathan that you never grow old or frail
    12 gauge is for the weak. 10 bore is a mans gun!3.5 inch 12g killed the 10g.
    both are the bastard sons of the same insanity.
    tho I did hear tell of a nationaly ranked presumembly well sponsored sporting shooter shooting magpies with 3.5 inch Remington nitromags in the wairarapa while we were there for the summer goose opening.

  15. #75
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    problem is it will start with no lead for ducks near water etc and end up as a total lead ban. you have to realise the people that make laws and more importantly their advisers are fuckwits
    Wirehunt, veitnamcam and EeeBees like this.



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