that loadis a cracker doesn't boot to much and is a proven killer on geese and ducks in 2 and 3,s outdoor adventure even had it in 4s to if I remember right.
.the 3 inch 20 gauge blackcloud load pure and simple is a shoulder smackin arsehole of performance in 2 shot on anything smaller than a medium sized Canada goose.
it might be ok in 4shot but believe me shooting at funny angles with it aint much fun if the 2 shot load is anything to go by.
Quote Originally Posted by berg243 View Post
they going to bring in 410 non toxic?.stopped duck shooting because of all this bullshit with the non toxic rules have seen /shot less ducks in the last few years but have seen more dead ducks lying around long ways from anyone shooting mainly because the hawks are finding the bodies.if the greenies get their way and duck shooting is stopped how are they proposing to control duck numbers as they will become a major pest within a couple of years poison maybe ?has anyone pointed this out to them.
The only exemption will be for the small bore .410 shotguns which are sometimes used by beginner hunters and for which humane non-toxic shot loads are not available.”
no the 410,s still exempt which raises more questions than it clears up.
what really fucks me right off is f&g are big on science and latest infomation to bash,[ and rightly so] certain areas, and PRACTISES IN FARMING.
but when it comes to us licence buyers 93 buks a year gets us f&g land sold to doc and a rangi bloody survey of 1,000 odd shooters from 2009 and thats considered good enough info and cause ?????