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Thread: Parrie tips?

  1. #1
    MB is offline
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    Parrie tips?

    I know it's the wrong time of year to be asking, but making plans. I enjoyed shooting parries this season, mainly because they come back for a second go if you miss the first time!

    Any tips? Worth decoying, calling etc?


  2. #2
    Member EeeBees's Avatar
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    past the gum trees on your left
    @MightyBoosh, decoying is certainly worth doing...we shot parries over sillosocks last year...worked really well...here is the link... even allowing for exchange rates, the decoys are reasonably priced.


    a parrie call is also really useful...the sillosocks were painted in parrie colours...

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  3. #3
    GSP Mad Munsey's Avatar
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    Ply wood or core flute silhouettes work as good as anything . Get a Electronic caller . (H&F sell them). You can't go wrong . Those callers are insane on parries , They normally try and land in your hide .
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Just go for a deer hunt and they'll soon appear

  5. #5
    Member Marty Henry's Avatar
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    A mix of parrie silhouettes and mallard decoys worked very well on a plantain crop that was getting hammered, some canadas arrived as well, now they are harder to tip up.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    as with most birds mb be where they want to.like right where they want to
    pARRIES ARENT AS dumb after a few hurryups so good camo to is important.
    set your dekes so they have to come past you to get to them while theyre concentrating on them they aint on you.
    i use lead 4s or 5,s on them in the 20 gauge even 6,s on the close decoying birds pattern density over power if you like.
    ive used fuds mixed with my higden feeder shells they work great and ive even mixed a few goose dekes in with the higdens to fill up where i dont want them and to bulk up the spread.
    works especialy well out the lake or anywhere else the 2 species frequent swans would work to .



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