Slagging visitors and other cultures who do things differently just ain't the Kiwi way in my book.
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There are bargains to be had & you can do game shooting on the cheap like we do on our syndicate. Our syndicate costs about £200 per person every year & we release about 150 pheasants each year.
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we get some 'ok' to pretty 'piss poor' rough shooting for our 90 bucks, and it can be a fair amount of time between birds.
if ya want decent bird hunting it does cost money and time even here in nz, pest controlled areas and private release sites do provide decent hunting, pretty similar to the videos shown in fact...I for one am please syndicate shoots are becoming more common.
it at least makes plenty of tame chooks available to the 'we got so good crowd.'
For or money we release 200 partridge 150 pheasants. Then there's feed 3tons of wheat last year looks to be less this year as warmer.
Then with the shooting we have pest control. 28days on pigeons plus a few nights out on foxes last year.
Plus after all the work we are actually putting something back into the environment, with knock on effect on the plus side for all the other birds that eat off the feeders and don't get chewed by the foxes etc.
IMO better than paying ya 90bucks and not doing anything but just taking it all how long will that last and what will be left for the next generation.
By the way if you take away the £ $ sign the buying power is abut the same if not better here in the uk:thumbsup:
I totally agree, it's more than just the pheasants, we get wild woodcock which are present normally every week.
There is all the pest control. I particularly like shooting the foxes at night with my .223.
There is also the pleasure of seeing the birds grow into stunning birds & watching them fly past guns untouched by the lead flying past them lol.
As stated the other wildlife benefits from the feeders put out. Not all the birds released are shot, so some of them will rear young for the following year & without us there wouldn't be pheasants roaming the countryside.
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QUOTE]IMO better than paying ya 90bucks and not doing anything but just taking it all how long will that last and what will be left for the next generation.
By the way if you take away the £ $ sign the buying power is abut the same if not better here in the uk[/QUOTE]
very few are in the position of taking lots maybe 10%
most get a few and are happy but yes if you want better hunting often you,l have to spend a bit to get it.
but thats why we pay 90 odd bucks for f&g to manage and improve the resourse .
we feed our ponds we shoot all legally takable predators but waterfowl are a mobile lot and are not as stuck to a area as upland birds.
id still hate to see put and take mallards here i know its already happening but if its happening under the british and even american way of doing it then its wrong.
couch it anyway you want as aw f&g said mallard releases are a localised fix often as local as most not getting off the property they were released on.
plus the fact they,l drag in any wild birds within miles and you have a worse situation for those hunters who cant afford to participate in syndicates or properties with special conditions hunts.
f&g has a policy no duckshooting on preserves stick to it? slap eastern down like you did southland when they didnt tow the line.
at least make them follow the policy and get rid of that rediculous hen pheasant take?? who does that benefit other than preserve operators waiting with open arms for hunters driven there by the depleted wild populations of pheasant and duck who flock to join thier tame mates .
Walking behind the pointer on a two hour circuit & stalking up to the spot where that big FAT cockbird got the drop on you last time, nerves a twitter, finger poised & reminding yourself NOT to jump out of your skin when the sneaky bastard gets up AGAIN,but he goes in a completely different direction, chortling away with his tail feathers giving you the "churchill" salute!!!! NOT going after tame chooks that come running to the rattle of corn in a bucket.
That's what is happening here on our "tame chook" preserves where the gifted ones arrive in their Hughes500's and stretched limo's & cough up $5000 or so for an afternoon's slaughter followed by drinkies at the marque!!!!
If your shooting is different from this then I apologise if I offended you old chap. it's only 120 sleeps & a wake up 'til our next gamebird hunting season!!!!