Imagine a push to outlaw cat ownership in NZ! Completely sensible but it will never happen, there is no money in it to justify the hearts and minds campaign they would have to use to push the idea.
At risk of going against the foundation rules of the forum, I will brush on the political nature of conservation.
Anyone who thinks that buckets of green pellets blanketing the countryside from above is in the name of conservation is kidding themselves. It's a multimillion dollar industry. Lucrative. And regardless of if the greenies think so, so is conservation. Using tax payers money (ie. yours) to sell you a concept 'for the countries good' is Macheavallian in its splendour. They very facts they spout, the ones I have quoted above, also outline that they will never succeed, but will make you feel bad about it! Brilliance.
Anyway rant over. I'm beginning to sound like Tussock