Whats your thoughts on the Fish and Game election results now that they're out?
Whats your thoughts on the Fish and Game election results now that they're out?
Last edited by Mike H; 14-10-2015 at 08:05 PM.
Disappointed to be honest. Hoping Hawkes Bay would have had a better turn out and the opportunity to clean house was used.
The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change; until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds
There certainly was more interest in the Southland election this year with numbers of voters up by a long way over previous elections. It would seem the call to vote being arranged behind the scenes worked. I'm disappointed that Brad and Lindsay missed out however 8 of the 10 current councillors who stood again got back on.
YOU,VE GOT BIGGER WORRIES THAN THAT KIWI JAMESDisappointed to be honest. Hoping Hawkes Bay would have had a better turn out and the opportunity to clean house was used.]
if the drop to 8 wasnt legally done ie motioned seconded and passed then things could get more complicated
beware the circling eastern vultures to.i make it 3 3 2 in the faction stakes give or take with bates love for eastern the most upsetting?RN, Dave CENTRAL HAWKE’S BAY 340
MCINTOSH, Pete (Pete Mac) HASTINGS 205
eastern staff yes eastern councill interference in hb no. hope the new blood can get hb back to its glory days.
hard luck workingman only 10 in itMCKENZIE, Craig ASHBURTON 241
you,d a been a gamebird asset.
Last edited by gsp follower; 14-10-2015 at 08:56 PM.
No need for us to drop the numbers, we were always going to have an election. Interesting to see the ex manager made it onto the HB Council. Don't know how effective he'll be considering it looks like the majority of the incumbents got back on.
interesting thought mike given he seems to have got the council dropped to 8 and frightened the crap out of the incumbents to the point of attempted character assasination and election smearing.
maths not your strong point mike 3 sitters got the elbow messrs boaler doulding and jobey.
Was it Alice...in wonderland...things got curiouser and curiouser...oooopsss...
...amitie, respect mutuel et amour...
...le beau et le bon, cela rime avec Breton!...
more like what a tangled web we weave EeBees.
here a little exercise for you voters/hb licence buyers search the minutes from aprill to june and see if you can find where the councill meet and voted on the numbers drop. good luck cos it dont exist..why aprill cos thats when elections nz were told apparently you,l see for yourself why june comes into it.
Have you lodged a complaint?
how you know that mikewe were always going to have an election.
always mikeHave you lodged a complaint?
but bloody southland voters didnt listen to my hidden genius![]()
Had a response?
wealth good looks and hb complaints all queus i wont be at the front of mike.Have you lodged a complaint?![]()
Well done Mike and all those who were genuinely elected. Thanks also to those that stood but missed out. There is always next time, and hopefully there is a next time. It certainly seems to me that Head Office and the Tourism sector they serve are seeking conglomeration by hook or by crook. Less councils, less councillors, less hurdles. I see that tourism is nipping at the heals of Dairy for export earnings so perhaps less hurdles are required? One thing that irks me a little as a paid up member of my industry lobby group is that I pay for that lobby. With F&G I am taxed to support and expand a sector and in doing so placing more pressure on the very thing we are taxed to enjoy. Very ironic and clever.
Sorry I can barely see through the smoke screen.
It was a pretty serious rift aye. As the new council will be privy to all relevant information on the confidentiality agreement etc etc this council is to some degree predictable- odd for an "election". And now we wait on the "audit" the HB chairman spoke of. This audit will show the same degree of value from Head Office as they placed on the election I suspect. Lets hold our breath together.
as long as the ''bullshit/audit tells me how the process to get to 8 was done and it was a council voted and consulted process,i,l be happybut so far no.ones saying and theres no ''paper trail''??
given what i,ve seen nz council technicly werent involved but they were informed of the intent and a lawyer consulted at the highest level.
so if the process was dodgy i get the feeling plausable deniability will rear its ugly head and hb councill ''doing as it sees fit in its own region''. will be the official line.
great leadership aint it?? drop to 8 ''do as you like'' shoot wild hen pheasant and ignore the party line on ''properties with special conditions /interests'' do as you like???personaly i think they should look at letting the next four highest vote candidates in before the excrement hits the proverbial![]()
What are you talking about GSPF? I had an OIA request with NZF&G on the issue of the HB election- which has been answered and there is no mention of lawyers. Have you seen something that suggests lawyers have been involved in checking the process? Could you elaborate. I hardly think public officials would be deliberately misleading or lie.