I know we all have different opinions on this but would like to hear what you think about it, I personally stay away from all potential breeding areas
I know we all have different opinions on this but would like to hear what you think about it, I personally stay away from all potential breeding areas
yeah me too -I only stick to well worn public tracks which may also have birds visit it often -unlikely they would breed there though .
One must be sensible though and realize birds can breed anywhere , dont stop running you dog "just "because there is a possibility you will encounter birds --they will come back and re roost on their nests .
The only reason they don't come back is if you go touching there eggs which you'd be an idiot to do .
Common sense should be used, some of us have a little more than others
Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question
i don't run my dogs where any game birds are likely to be this time of the year....... ducks or pheasants.
public tracks don't get much use during the week.... pheasants only need a day to scratch out a nest and start laying.
to actually go hunting for them for pratice this time of the year is bullshit....... go find some pigeons and a trap.
it actually is.......... disturbing a 'fully protected bird' in fact.........
I avoid 99.9% of potential nest sites.
There are some places I don't mind dogs being run like the dunes at muriwai by the golf course that are heavily trafficked anyway. The cover in the dunes is too open anyway for nesting. I just keep the dogs in the open grass and out of the heavy cover.
There are a few cosiderations , the biggest is if it is a nesting area at all . Muriwai where i train is overun by man and dog and i dont mean hunting people. Im in agreement with ryan, muriwai has way to much foot traffic in both weekend and week days for birds to nest there -it is an area of 300y x 200y it is nice tho that one can encouter the birds that fly in and out of the area occasionaly while teaching your do to quarter the land.
Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question
Years ago i use to train my dog in takapuna on a feild where the old tip was and even there i would encounter birds - its a hazard of running your dog somtimes
Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question
Upnorth Uplander, to me to go anywhere near where there is even 1% opportunity of nesting birds being found is not only unfair but unthinking (go hunt fur or vermin pigeons!!!); on my side of the river (Tutaekuri), the bird population (feral, not escapees from any preserve) is almost at a stalemate and the last thing we need is people with their dogs harassing them...I know, I know... these areas are public access and all that...as a deerstalker you dont go shooting all the fawns...
...amitie, respect mutuel et amour...
...le beau et le bon, cela rime avec Breton!...
or allowing ya pig dogs to scragg sows and suckers
Working on the theories in this thread I shouldn't run my dogs on the farm at all as they can be nesting anywhere on our place (literally)![]()
The Biggest Room is the Room for Improvement
Thats ridiculous , how would you know ? Birds go everywhere -fly , walk , take the bus but they are every where .Sounds like you don't want to train your dog or even take him for a walk anywhere interesting .I read you guys and think you are all just bound up in fanaticism and to be truthful if Jo wants to train his dog at XYZ and he encounters birds who gives a flying toss --there are so few Dog people that get out and train often it wouldn't make a dent in the population at all -"especially" where I train !, in fact you cant shoot in that area at all up to about 15km away up the beach
Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question
El Borracho, some of us want to see an enduring and sustainable population of birds in our areas...knowing how fickle the pheasant is when she is on the nest, I applaud anyone who exercises a degree of maturity and understanding of the bird we are dealing with. Well, if you have bird numbers in your area as you are implying, I envy you, it is simply that some of us dont...as I say, it is now we hunt fur...
...amitie, respect mutuel et amour...
...le beau et le bon, cela rime avec Breton!...
Fair enough EeeBees, the area we are talking about is saturated by two things -birds and humans with dogs all year . As I said at the start of the thread you have to use your common sense more than anything else but to blanket going out to the country side with your dog to train cause birds are laying is just crazy --youll know if you in an area with Polts -youll find them often enough and then youll move away .Birds go back to the nest unlike what Upnorth says .HE REALLY STARTED THIS THREAD TO HAVE A SHOT AT ME !! NOTHING ELSE
Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question