Is it just me, or do others have the same problem. I've spent the last 8 months intensely shooting with rifle, often taking running and snap shots. Feeling cocky this opening, and was gonna show all the others up..........but couldn't hit a barndoor if I tried. If I concentrate on the shot, not a problem, but the bird that flushes comes circling back to toss me the finger I'm sure. Worked out I was shooting over, thinking that I'm using a scope, so only looking at end of barrel not along it. Yep I know get the gun fitted, but its a plastic stocked stoeger, with no shims that I'm aware of.
Being the tightarse that I am, I've come up with a solution. 100mm of 12mm alkathene split and placed along the bead to fool the mind that its a scope of sorts. It forces me to get head down lower to sight and works a treat.