Saturdays d day folks 5 parrie limit andall the geese you can con into your spreads at elly
with 20 bird parrie limits west of state highway one in north Canterbury.![]()
Saturdays d day folks 5 parrie limit andall the geese you can con into your spreads at elly
with 20 bird parrie limits west of state highway one in north Canterbury.![]()
Got me a summer parry spot sorted, should be shooting it in the next couple weeks![]()
Our geese must've got wind of impending doom.......they've flown the coup. Guess someone will get an easy shoot
The Only Thing Not Delivered By Truck Are Babies...
cripes the parrie flappers have only taken to the wing in last week or so...they should be easy pickings.
they flying up the river and there were no shortage of birds in the air this time last year.
we walked in on at least 2 to 300 of each [geese and parries ] on the way to the maimai last year.
hopefuly another day like thisalbeit with only a 5 bird limit on parries.
that day in the pic we ran out of ammo c404 and me before birds.
being there latish and a bluebird day we didn't have high hopes hence under 40 rounds between us.
think people hunting the dairy farm same day kept birds on the wing even after we packed up with empty guns and full bags.
Last edited by gsp follower; 10-01-2019 at 10:52 AM.
mobs of geese on wing headed to club med on lower stretches of the avon /bromely shit ponds paddocks in last week. they aint silly.
GSPF &trusty side kick Kotuku ventured forth to deal to em pesky parries.
however dem pesky parries being even more pesky than ever remained on bloody holiday ,its rumoured at clubbird bromley shit ponds .
after a couple of cups of tea and assorted sandwiches.a consensus was reached re our dliemma
Buggered if we know
and as i type this whilst enjoying a post outing ale
Im still buggered if i know.
what i do know is dont load ya semiauto with a mix of3"32gmand 3"34gm for a test fire after last firing it hmmmm18 months ago
holy shit batman more thumps than a walrus in the throes of orgasm.
plenty of mallards ,teal swans and very distant geese(its like the sahara desert out there at present with lake open to sea)but its eyerball only/.
overall rating for the outin
bloody marvellous
ellesmere you old bitch ,youllnever cease to amaze and intrigue me.
still its a 2/12 season aso plenty of time .
id forgotten how old ma nature provides us with the finest gyms to have fun and a good wee workout!!
yep lake lower than a snake in a wagon rut.
birds aren't gonna be where theres no water or grub.
fuckin ecan cock knockers and doc dicks ive never see the place look so scruffy.
over grown weed ridden mess.
if you or I left our house paddocks like that they,d be on our arses about fire risk.
they've killed all the willows by the look of it.
i.l give them the benefit of the doubt and say the opening was a necessity and theres just been no southerly to close it cos theres plenty of water in the Selwyn and l2.
but she,s barren as spose the upside is dog killin algae bloom close enough to the handy walks.
still unusuall to hear nothing parrie or goose wise.
Don't know where the Parries have gone to from round here - I am near Cust - but they will be back soon when the grain harvest starts which looks like end of Jan into Feb. Last year there were mobs of 1000 - 1500 on some paddocks of stubble.
It`s all Kotuku`s fault, he`s been practicing calling them in but he forgot to shut the bath room window, so you know there the buggers are all hiding!!.
nowt ta do wif me .anyhow once my big guts fills the bath ,no room for anything else.ended up with real crook back yesterday -even support would hold it so mother suggested soak in a hot bath .all was fine tilli slipped trying to get out .yup bloody tsunami all over the show includung me fresh daks&singlet.I finally extracted meself and lumbered off muttering all sorts of bastrds as her indoors muttered about athe fat old prick using shampoo in his bath.
ducks probably laughin their clackers off.
well ,Its even more mysterious .C404 sent me an email with a photo taken out of his office window (boeing767@40,0000ft over the south island -not a bloody goose or parrie in sight,and he didnt pass any on the way so boys its stilla case of buggered if !
A33-you there bro .
you havent passed any on your regulat sorties up top at all?
Harvest on. Parries and Mallards forming up big flights every evening around 2100hrs. One flight of at a guess 300 went over the house at 2115hrs last night. Have a look from the Rangiora - Oxford Road between Howsons Road and Bennetts.