the only thing i can figure is after going over it a thousand times is it was slightly downhill and i was on tip toes.
so i reckon between that and the 3 inchers recoil i shot over his neck he never squealed or showed any sign of bieng hit no blood hair or nothing.
he just exited stage right like snagglepuss.:O_O
:mmm i did shoot thru some light cover deflection or muzzle blast from the AR might have had me buggered either way.The only sensible solution is to carry a AR with you at all times from now on.
i have fired mini thirtys and AR,S before i think they helped start me on the road to hearing loss
i could say 3 inch blackcloud steel is shit on pigs at 15 feet but since i missed completly i dont think that will wash.
there should have been one very dead pig with a fist size hole where his short neck/spine joins his melon.
a shot ive done with a 303 before yesterday at 70yards shame i was aiming for its lungs at the time.
also a 12 gauge with 36 gram lead 3,s after id removed most of a big slab sided sows snout and jaw with the first barrel after she ran up a tunnel at me after breaking bail.
the recoil of a 12 gauge off your knees and the noise in a pig tunnel is quiet something.
i believe she was like 10 feet at the first shot maybe 8 for the 2nd as she turned to go back the way she,d come.
my old hollis nitro reproofed hammergun cos i was pheasant hunting at the time![]()