A short barreled AR is definitly loud. What you need is one with a suppressor (to make it quiet but heavy) and carbon fiber stock (to make it light again).
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took a 7mill 2night with 270 backup;) piggy was heard but not seen probably needs some me time to settle again and recover his confidence to poke his head out in daylight or at least enough light to cop a 140 grainer.
ofcourse with no shotguns we saw 50 odd parries but thier roost is duly noted for another hunt.
ihave on my.22 a gadgetman original torch and that wee MF is deadly out to 70-80m.
in fact two feral feline duck killers met their demise at the hands of a escort weilding snarling apparition with torch in hand as 3"loads despatched both bitches to eternity.
rambo looked like a gay whale loving therapist by contrast!
for me to switch from .22 to one of my centrefire battery -5mins .mr porky "your day shall come"
up there yesterday parrie roost is still on.
steared a car load of pig hunters well away from porkchops hidey hole to.
this thread really cracks me up...having shot mr piggy with .12ga on more than one occasion its a barrel of laughs to be sure.
this thread really cracks me up...having shot mr piggy with .12ga on more than one occasion its a barrel of laughs to be sure.]
i dont consider killing anything a laughing matter i consider it a undertaking to be done humanly quickly and with a bit of respect.
no piggy but man i aint seen birds bombing into a spot like we did last night for a while.
shame it was to dark to take advantage 6 oclock and we couldnt make out didly once the dropped below the treeline;)
sorry if i mistook what you were saying micky d im getting to touchy in my old age:omg:Quote:
this thread really cracks me up...having shot mr piggy with .12ga on more than one occasion its a barrel of laughs to be sure.]
i must be cursed took the dog for a run same spot wwhere we havent seen the pigs for a week or so.
halfway down the track a dirty big hog wanders unhurriedly across the gravel pit.
bugger thinks i oh well nothing to be done to far away carry on.
go get some pine cones dog pigs up piggys tracks and i dont see him for 15 minutes.
did see a cat the other night with ando so thought i,l set up across from its trail 4 shot in the gun im ready for kitty.
sabby growls not a fuckin gain 20 feet away is a half grown boar who doesnt quite offer me a head or neck shot when he props and turns slightly at sabs fighting talk.
does hb take off no he trots on his merry way round the pond heading for the thistle spot.
seriously someones leaving me a rifle in the next couple of days bet i see f all now.
Mate you've had your chance/s. Time to put up some GPS points for those who can seal the deal.:)
i hear that
thought the 15 footer was it especially since we saw no hogs yesterday just birds.
im gonna hate carrying 2 guns but this is getting rediculous i take the 20 i see pigs i take a rifle i see birds.
im gonna hate carrying 2 guns but this is getting rediculous i take the 20 i see pigs i take a rifle i see birds.
think my bird dog fancy himself as a pigger he was awful keen to have at hb but with no torch and just a pocket knife for sticking it.
im glad i didnt let him go in my younger days i would have and probaly ended up with a ripped up ruined or dead bird dog and no pig
but there was a part of me that kept saying let him go see what happens he might grab piggy which even if he did, with pocket knife in the truck no sling on shotty,and given ive seeen the damage a so called small boar can do to a dog.
plus with my luck as soon as id grabbed it he.d have let go and we,d have been dancing in the almost dark unless i could choke hb to death which given the fact pigs have f all neck[its why the have to turn thier bodies to look at you] id still wind up on the losing end.
but even so rash youth raised its head and said release the hound.
Take the shotgun and a couple of slugs in your pocket!
Or you need to find a combo rifle shotty, been keeping my eye out for a whilethere was a 410 under a. 30 on trade me a while back
dont bloody worry all you scoffers-not the first time weve had a spot of shit and 6 7/8 sfa dunny paper -make no fucking mistake mr porcine kanye is gonna meet his match.
oh yeahs for you experts gigling this is one of three wee opportunities that are currently under consideration.
"fat boy
fat boy
whatcha gona do
whatcha gonna do with a .303 up you
the squire of rakaia is not known for his diplomacy when something irritates the hooded slug !ive just spoken to him -hes not happy!