Three shot rule ain't so bad.....
With many regions moving towards three shot rules and the NZ Council asking for comment from all the regions on that I decided that for opening this year I'd revert to using an under and over to see whether I'd be disadvantaged. Turns out I did better with the U/O and Falcon 35gm 4s then I'd usually do with my Benelli, a mag extension and 3 inch 3s. I only went through a packet of ammo and that included providing back up a few times to the guy I shoot with and his 5 shot auto(made him ditch his extension but couldn't talk him down to three shots). He went through at least two boxes on the way to his limit.
Since then I've gone back to my Benelli(only because I don't want to get the U/O dirty lol) and have put the factory plug in it making it a three shot. Can't complain with that so far either.