touching up
the paintwork on the decoys.
most seasons it is a big thing before the big day,get all the decoys out,check lines and make sure the paintwork is still ok.
in recent years they have needed little touch up jobs as havent seen a lot of work,storing them and transporting them in big 2-300ltr plastic drums has helped out no end.
last season I added slightly too much green to the daffodil yellow for the drakes bills....so bought another wee test pottle and got it right this time...
my hens bills were a real hodge podge with no real consistency ...some were stripped back to black,a few a bluey green and some burnt orange.
well the two hens I shot tonight...both fairly pure mallard according to the bright blue speculum and bright orange legs...one had burnt orange/brown bill and the other was green n black...so I mixed up some green/red/black and got it just about right...half the hens now green bill and half orange.
anyone else get as big of kick out of painting them up????
havent gone down the flocking route as yet....so far havent seen the need.
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Did some of my geese MD.
prurdy ..very pretty...I had hoped to find some of them today...nope only swans...was nice to see pair of white ones too...left them all alone.
Fed yesterday. Overcast now and hoping for some birds in the morning.
seems Im a slow learner...the beaks I touched up last week sat outside overnight while still damp...and paint washed off LOL so I got to do them again tonight...put them in garage on freezer this time.....