Have been shooting the same pond opening weekend for 4 seasons now with the same bunch of blokes.....unfortunately it may be the last season due to changing farm management.....
We all sleep over at the same fellas house, someone always gets blamed for blocking the inside toilet with a monster shit
Always buy a bottle of Wine for our hosts wife, gotta keep her sweet.
Same guy always gets blamed for shooting the Parrie floating decoy that was shot in the first season

Sunday Afternoon is for breasting out shit tonnes of ducks.
There's always one guy who rates himself as the best water-fouler the planet has seen and claims every bird shot as his.
Then the guy who is obviously quite deaf and shouts instead of talking.....can only take so much of him.
The guy who shows up late and strolls into the blinds while ducks are dropping in.....usually the same guy that has to leave early and avoids the clean up and butchering.
Then there is the guy who was caught watching redtube or pornhub on his phone between mobs of ducks

The inevitable fight over who gets to be on either end of the blind set ups.
Anytime someone leaves the blinds it is inevitable that their layout blind will be raided for snacks and filled with empty shells.
I'm sure there's more but always good banter and lots of gunpowder unloaded
