how long before the aquifers start sucking in saltwater?
how long before the aquifers start sucking in saltwater?
after seeing the setup of the beef pad at wakanui exemplary[even tho the craps piped right out to sea]the pictures of the set up in hawkes bay looks like some budget 3rd world built alternative
its proximity to the tuki tuk and if the pictures are right poorly controled efluent handling make it a eyesore as well as a eco,timebomb
the rakaias suffering the flows at this time of the year sans floods shouldnt be this meagre looking
. they,l fuck it to if we dont stop ecan rubber stamping process for water consents.
i think its fairly clear the selwyn above dunsandel or even below it is dead
. exept for when its to flooded for them to handle that grand theft as opposed to the normal daily theft going on now,.
sorry mate looks like i deleted the email from the outdoor mob that showed itWhat is the Hawkes Bay one?
Last edited by gsp follower; 06-10-2016 at 07:46 PM.
What is the Hawkes Bay one? The Tukituki is earmarked as the next best sewer it appears. The inability to manage discharge into it already suggests the planned scale of things are well beyond what is even capable of being managed now.
Very keen to see how the Local Body elections turn out. Should give a insight into how the Bay really feels about our management of late.
The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change; until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds