[QUOTE=gsp follower;360331]looks a lot like minered with a woundie lost yesterday at another pond.
red ready for action yesterday morning be grateful theres no audio file with it[img]
the mighty kotuku and red discuss the days take:yaeh am not durnk
a bloody great weekend ,alas the ducks didnt arrive in hordes as we'd hoped and seen on this pond over recent times ,but a least a few did and the talley was 9 birds amongst four .shooting mate and i got three .personally Im happy -I used c404s o/ubaikal in the morning session as Im aware of mypast tendency to rely on the large mag of the s/a escort escort ,so vowed that discipline was the byword this year.three shots -2euthanisers and a smackdown joint killerwas my ammo consumption. Highly satisfying
the weather gods at rakaia sent us fine weather and no cloud saturday so ducks and geese decided 12,000'was a good altitude to play spot the duckshooter .
the ones that got curioser-nuff said. Interesting -these were mostly young birds -with fresh grain in their crops- not bad eating im told.
saturday arvo we saw a couple way out of range but othewrwise deadly quiet. sunday GSPF&myself did a midmorning scoot and shoot to our pond and as the phot shows we checked out Rs where red the dog again proved his mettle by finding a lost bugger in the shitty gorse broomy&willow of the riverbed.
now some thanks -GSPF&family for hosting us -cracker tucker mighty beers rums &laughs on friday night ,and the rugby saturday ,where a couple of rampant hurricanes men got the golden opportunity to feed this crusaders man his beans.mind you again I bloody enjoyed it. thanks guys from us all.
to the team-great company ,long may it continue.
KC has got some other photos of me GSPFso will chat to my daughter about getting them on here.