Perhaps if we called it Duck Hunting it may garner a more acceptable profile, after all not all of us have access to oodles of ducks just waiting to be shot.
I have shot with folk who shoot as many as possible then put them in the pit. These people in my experience are folk who shoot on their own land and have a few mates over, then yes as Ryan-S says used to end up at the pub, the shooting /pit part still happens but not with my involvement.
Much of my shooting after opening is stalking the creeks with the dog, hardly shooting, more hunting.
Also the pub thing doesn't happen much any more, not down here anyway unless your dumb or have a ride home, best time to see a copper on the road these days in the Duntroon/Tokarahi area is early afternoon onward on opening day.
Times have changed and the days of chucking a dozen big bottles in the crate in the back of the mark 3 and driving around the area have been gone for 20+ years
I still enjoy the anticipation, the dogs excitement, that first flight, are they? aren't they?
Watching the dog go about his/her work with unbridled dedication
It's great stuff.
And I like duck.