no surprises there mike you didnt even consult your own licence buyers till told to why would you explain yourself now.Its now with the NZ Council to make a final decision in December. I'm not going to be back on here for a while yet so no point asking me for more than what I've just given sorry]
you must be on crack if you think we believe one person could get these clowns to change anything.
while you and the rest of the cargo cult said nothing and kept your obsession quiet.
pull the other one it plays dixie.
oh hang on was he rich, big landowner, overseas invester, middle eastern shiek??
dont worry mate you can shoot them on preserves by now.They darned well did NOT die of lead shot for God's sake! They died out because of government and regional council RMA edicts with tacit" DO NOTHING TO STOP THE DAMAGE", COURTESY OF DEPARTMENT OF "CONSERVATION" . In this process they ignored the information and recommendations of long experiences conservation minded wildfowlers the core of whom were very well qualified to make those recommendations aimed at preserving all the environments within and adjacent to the upper Waikato river and it's wetlands.
Are we going to be so darned STUPID and roll over for them again?
ducks dont make as much money as milk and meat.
by the time docs finished there,l be none of you nasty guntotin types disturbing thier sandal wearing romp thr thier idea of nz bush and wetlands.
look at what the cheeky bastards did down south with that wetland supposed to be for duck and waterfowl hunters in perpetuity.
now suddenly its 5 shoots a season and bloody ngat tahu own it howd that happen.