"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
Women fall ill after 1080 drop
Just one example and they didn't even eat any, of course they were immediately discredited by the powers that be as being in the wrong place but their camera logged gps position.'
This is just what we are hearing now despite the best efforts ( to keep all reporting peachy)of those looking after our(their own) best interests.
Another 20-30 years and mark my words all sorts of public health issues will be traced back to 1080.
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
And the link to 1080 is? A couple of chicks got crook and there was a 1080 drop? Give them the Noble Prize in medical discoveries cause they are onto something there.
Fuck my cook gets crook all the time too or is 1080 the only possible disease in the world? I'm not pro the stuff nor am I anti.
I am definitely anti dumb-shit though and I have yet to see an argument that conclusively supports an anti 1080 stance.
The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change; until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds
I'm afraid all that article does is back up kiwijames point about misinformation, rhetoric and emotion from the antis.
Where is the clinical FACT that the ladies liver function is directly related to exposure to pesticide.
As far as the fish go,
Water breaks down and neutralises 1080 very rapidly, a very desirable quality as far as pesticides go. Fish generally have a high tolerance to 1080. It would be interesting to know how quickly fish can metabolise a sub lethal dose as compared to mammals.
However, we all know 1080 can persist at toxic levels in the carcasses of poisoned mammals given the right conditions (cold & dry) for weeks maybe even months.
Last edited by Moutere; 27-09-2014 at 08:37 AM.
You are dangerously wrong on an important fact Motere, and echoing the usual misinformation and spin from the poisoning vested interests.
1080 can last decades in cold clean water and retain its lethality over that long period of time. 1080 does not break down is clean water. Bacterial action , provided water is warm and the correct (and rare in NZ) bacteria are present, might break down 1080 over time.
The two ladies who are ill are being subjected to intensive medical scrutiny at present, after initially having being subjected to ridicule by the poisoners as to their story and their location. It is proven they were telling the truth and the poisoners tried hard to cover their own arses; and at the expense of the reputations and well being of the victims.
Bear in mind, that foreign tourists or children can easily enter areas past warning signs even were drops are well posted and are always a risk factor. If the government persists in lethally poisoning massive areas of publicly accessible land and water then there is obviously an on-going risk that somebody is going to become a victim and it is beyond time when this needs to be recognised.
The DoC warning about potential toxicity of trout is responsible and accurate. It is the unfortunate heading to this thread which is misleading.
In the meantime, the pristine streams and lands of NZ are being polluted and poisoned by nothing less than an extreme and unrealistic tactic; namely the broadcasting of one of the most deadly poisons known to man.
Whose spinning now.
Just wait till an overseas country we export meat and milk to, tests the product and finds traces of 1080.
NZ will be stuffed overnight.
Life is natures way of keeping meat fresh
I can find you people who claim to be ill because of alien abductions too
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.