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Thread: Catch Any Trout Today?

  1. #3871
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XR500 View Post
    Would have thought that education would have been the better option here than spying from afar to 'catch' someone helping their kids learn to fish...

    well I will go against the grain here...article SPECIFICALLY SAYS casting AND retrieving...so mum wasnt just helping them let line out in a boat(which they could do via bail arm while under way..... lots of folks will get a free kids licence to avoid paying for licence themselves,,at six and nine both my kids were fishing for themselves.I had family licence so could cast lure out then hand over rod for them to wind lure back in.... grew old pretty fast but neat when they hooked trout.
    I recall as a ranger in wagon on way back from canals with two other rangers in wagon seeing man casting out rod,and winding it in.... as we pulled in he quickly handed rod to child...... no way that child was fishing..dad was fishing and only kid had licence...
    its never clear cut as it first looks
    its always going to be hard call as no one wants to put kids off but the law is the law and if people dont buy licences...there would be zero complience as nobody to enforce it..either we need rules or we dont.
    worm fishing removes a LOT of barriers to getting kids going... they dont have to cast far,then sit n wait... but far better for parent to have licence too....
    as for spying from afar..that was speculation in article..may or may not have happened and actually its sometimes the only way to do the job
    when I ranged the canals I had higher enforcement rate than other rangers cause I would fish with family till spotted two or more folks breaking law...then would put gear away and put ranging gear on and start licence n gear checks
    its shocking some of the stuff you see happening to fish,PERSONALLY I would like to see a zero release policy on canals at certain times of the year,WHY to stop the salmon being rocket launched up onto shore flap around then chucked back in after hook yanked out and carry on fishing.often dad n three kids all hauling out fish when they are running hot.fish flapping around all over the show and floating dead fish all over the place.... havent taken limit so carry on till sick of it and go home...that carry on might be considered ok for sprats in the sea but not trout n salmon....
    I gave warrent back as it spoiled my fishing and never got anything back at all ,no licence discount,no fuel vouchers and bugger all support either even though the numbers of convictions were higher than most full time staff.
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  2. #3872
    Member Dundee's Avatar
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    Never met a ranger in my 52 years,guess the day i don't have a licence they will say hi.
    Maca49 and Micky Duck like this.
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  3. #3873
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    Last edited by Nick.m; 28-05-2024 at 07:35 PM.
    wsm junkie, Dundee, Trout and 7 others like this.

  4. #3874
    Member Inder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inder View Post
    Hi @gerwyn.woods If you talking about Hokowithu Lagoon, we did try that but on the other end. We are very near to lagoon so can try again on this end. Maybe tomorrow weather permitting.

    What do you use to catch perch? I have no idea.

    So this happened today at lagoon.. Nah kiddo did not catch it.

    While we were fishing a young kid was also fishing near by. He just came to meet my son and casted just near the shore and voila, this little one was there. Kid was kind enough to let my son hold the fish. This was his 3rd trout this year at lagoon. Really great boy, gave my son and me few tips too.

    Though my son did not catch it but he is fully hooked, already pestering me for tomorrow. I am so happy

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    wsm junkie, Dundee, Trout and 6 others like this.

  5. #3875
    Member wsm junkie's Avatar
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    The reward for perservering in crap conditions.....5.5lb silver hen, released to carry on her journey.
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    Stayed for a night session hoping the weather would settle but it didnt, still had 3 hits with 2 solid hook ups - the first busting me off in short time - landing the 2nd, a chunky 6lb jack that fought like a demon
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    Dundee, Nick.m, Shearer and 2 others like this.

  6. #3876
    Join Date
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    First year I've been up, here that the trout, have survived over winter, in local trout ponds, so a couple 1.5lb plus trout this week, Name:  IMG_2156.JPG
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    wsm junkie, Dundee, Trout and 1 others like this.

  7. #3877
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    Whangamatā Stream today, heaps heading upstreamName:  IMG_4431.jpeg
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    Boom, cough,cough,cough

  8. #3878
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    Nor West of Auckland on the true right of the Kaipara River
    You should have hit that bugger with a dead fall branch and had Trout for dinner mate.
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  9. #3879
    Member wsm junkie's Avatar
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    Picked up my first Brown for ages in the Tongariro today.
    7.5lb power house.
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    Dundee, Trout, Nick.m and 3 others like this.

  10. #3880
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by wsm junkie View Post
    Picked up my first Brown for ages in the Tongariro today.
    7.5lb power house.
    Attachment 252566
    Much life in there? I might go for a mission tomorrow after the rain.

  11. #3881
    Member wsm junkie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nick.m View Post
    Much life in there? I might go for a mission tomorrow after the rain.
    @Nick.m yeh mate theres a few moving through, not huge numbers though, you have to work a bit. I hooked 5 over a few hours, mate hooked 3 and the other 2 guys fishing same pool all had success with some nice conditioned chromies putting up some good fights.
    Another fresh or 2 should get it even better
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  12. #3882
    Join Date
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    Local was high and dirty today but managed to find a couple.
    wsm junkie, Dundee, Trout and 2 others like this.

  13. #3883
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Caught Moby dick then it's slightly larger sister all 360mm of prime fat Wanganui river brown. First for over thirty years from this waterway.fished for over n hour and the two fish were on sequencial casts.
    Dundee and Ned like this.
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  14. #3884
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    5 pounder from today

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    wsm junkie, Dundee, Trout and 2 others like this.

  15. #3885
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    On second look yesterday's wee hen was a rainbow.was good on toast for breakfast.managed similar sized brown today.
    75/15/10 black powder matters



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