Anyone know how the Rotorua rivers are fishing lately? Heading home this weekend and will be heading out if the weathers alright
Anyone know how the Rotorua rivers are fishing lately? Heading home this weekend and will be heading out if the weathers alright
Taupo's been good for the last month or so with plenty of freshies coming through for the eastern side of the lake but if it sticks to the weather forecast (which is poo's) I'd be looking at getting early evening to the Pipe on Rotoiti or off the beach at Okataina (far left as you can go if there is a slight wind as the food gets corralled in the corners off the beach and the fish come in and prowl the weed line. Moon state is still pretty good so well worth a look.
Failing that lake Rotoma in the corner just where the State Highway goes up the hill out to Kawerau / Whaka is worth a shot during the day as the returning trout spawning area there is close to where they were dropped in by Fish and game - small doll fly or heave and leave a floating glow bug...
Hope it helps...CD
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