Had to go out the valley & drop off a couple of headlights for a mate ,it became apparent over the course of our chat Sharpie was on chemo.He been pretty crook for a while now but still fighting it with everything he has.Nice to catch up & jack up a ride to Waikato with him next month.Anyway mentioned was going to try get a trout for dinner & would he use a smoked trout if I got a couple?
Think the reply was F...ck yeah, with that he suggested I try up the river.I had never been up there so jumped at the idea.
Caught a small hen fish which I returned then fished on up river seeing a few but no takers. Up near the bush a couple of guys seen lighting a fire by the river. A couple of spots to try on the way down & then a lure change.The 1st trout of this season was soon hooked ,played out then gentled to the net .It went into the net bent like a banana but nice one the start with.