a fair bit of the muddy taste thing is because people DONT bleed trout or gut them fast enough or properly,if you cut across behind the gill join at throat and break neck,then within short time frame (sooner the better) open up belly and remove guts THEN MOST IMPORTANTLY get the black line out of pointy bit of gut cavity nearest to the spine...this is sort of the fish's kidney and will add muddy taste to even a clean water fish...kawhawai are the same.
smoker fish...those a bit pale or in not so good condition...split open and debone,cover with fine layer of 50% salt n brown sugar,leave overnight or longer allowing fish to drain moisture off...mums cake rack on the meat/carving dish works well...
Bush rash's trout on page one is a classic case in point.....99% chance it was muddy tasty...smoker might have sorted it.