Not as good a nick as I thought when I filletted it. But breakfast will be good!:thumbsup:
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Not as good a nick as I thought when I filletted it. But breakfast will be good!:thumbsup:
At Jakeys pool this arvo looking for ducks but gave the lure a swim:D
Attachment 36456
And another good result,this pool has fed us well.:)
Attachment 36457
Looks like you guys got on better than me. Saw plenty of both rainbows and browns, some of them pretty solid as well but just couldn't get anything hungry enough to eat whatever I offered them. The buggers are getting picky haha
I haven't been out lately because of all the rain we've had, but I got this a week or so back.
My first brown Trout (put up a good fight), the river was just calming down and a bit murky. I smoked it along side a rainbow for caparison, both turned out great but I found the the rainbow a touch better.
Attachment 36478
Catch a small koy carp from the same river as the one your fishing on, can't introduce from another source, and live bait it with a hook through its back and a small balloon to hold it in the water. Browns will go for them. You will note a bit of fast balloon action before the trout strikes its prey, wait for it to turn it, has to eat head first because of the scales. Then wamo! Give it a try.
Black rublex
Attachment 36482
Cheers mate, but not allowed bait to my knowledge where I am fishing. And I dont think there are carp around anyway. Certainly haven't seen any anyway but thanks for the tip regardless
Did manage however to get a nice brown, just over 8 pound late last night and gave me a good run around though various snags before I was able to net it. Should be some nice eating tonight
Attachment 36501
Dipped my line in Taupo tonight! All the trout away on QB duty but shit it's relaxing and peacefulAttachment 37007Attachment 37008
Oh nah, I always go back to Rotorua to fish. Grew up right next to the Ngongotaha stream. Some bloody big browns lurking there
Was only a few hits here under breast hills nothing landed but still a good arvo:)
Attachment 37073
Fished and froze my arse off yesterday, in the lake, bought new waders, till 10 pm last night, closest I got was a fish that followed the lure in and scared the bejesus out of me by rising about a foot in front of me! Too much moon, three of us fishing for nought. The Hardys rod and reel is very easy to cast!
Heading home, (back to Rotorua) this weekend if anyones keen to go for a fish maybe sunday night or monday