Look at the trout jaw structure VC. They are quite different between male and female.
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I always try to work upstream. The fish has eyes in its head, not its ass. Sneaking up behind them is always easier. Plus natural food will drift downstream. If I cast upstream the fly comes back down to me, naturally. Trout will always be suspicious of a mayfly swimming upstream.
Sex is fairly easy. The head gives it away. The short nose and jaw of a female (hen) is always going to be smaller. The jacks (males) will have a longer snout and jaw, with the larger males getting quite a hook at the end of the jaw.
Peaceful evening and got breakfast
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Nice jackAttachment 45103
Gutting it like a rabbit out the vent!:O_O:
That trout was caught from the area @P38
Attachment 45155Attachment 45156
Did you guys have a look there the other day?
Busy down by the Manawatu gorge.Mrs D had one hook up but nothing landed.
Attachment 45157
Between me, my boy, my nephew and their grandad we landed over 50 fish for the day yesterday. Was great to see the little ones enjoy and appreciate a great sport. Only three fish were harmed in the making of this movie/adventure.
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Yes we stopped and looked.
The water level was very low so we didn't stay too long.
Got invited downstream by my mate @bomber for a fish.
Attachment 45179
Sean and I joined him at the mouth of the Tamaki Stream where it runs into the Manawatu River.
Attachment 45180Attachment 45181Attachment 45182
Wasn't long when bomber landed one:D
Attachment 45183Attachment 45184Attachment 45185
As we arrived at the mouth of the Tamaki I noticed we couldn't see the Ruahines so I placed a long stick right on the waters edge to see if it was rising @BRADS must be a bit wet at the headwaters? We baled when it had risen to this level.:thumbsup:
Attachment 45186
We headed on out of the Tamaki and went thru bombers farm to his favourite spot on one condition I wouldn't catch his three pet trout;)
Attachment 45187
Well I left his pet trout down there but landed this:D
Attachment 45188
I bet Mrs bomber isn't to happy with me getting him hooked on this freshwater fishing.;)
Good rain falling now,thanks bomber for taking us down your end.:)
Trying to lajd @Dundee with my new brown fury lure.
Good evenings fishing.
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