Yeah Timmay bloody good feeds there.
Attachment 745Attachment 746
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Yeah Timmay bloody good feeds there.
Attachment 745Attachment 746
Haha The ole 440ml Cans. Excellent
Caught 5 this morning lost a 6th- same tally as last weekend I need to tie those nots a bit better.
One on the top is 1.6Kg and around 53-55 cm long
Attachment 774
Nice one Timmay:thumbsup:There was a bloody massive thunderstorm in the headwaters last night and although the river was clean then, this morning it was filthy!!:sick: Looks like I'll shooting again tonight.
Whats the limit on the Lake?
40cm min size and once you have 3 in your bag you have to stop fishing.
Will be back out there tomorrow weather permitting.
What are you shooting Dundee? Birds or 4 legs?
Parries Timmay we got 2 weeks here:cool: Just spoke too a fulla up in the headwaters an they got 65mm last night.That explains the dirty river.Have a look in the gamebird section.;)
i got out at waitangi weeknd
a mate wanted a trout,caught a couple & kept 1 for myself.
it was the best trout ive ever eaten
i dusted the fillet in flour & a lite sprinkle of "chilli & lime"
fukn awsome feed
Attachment 789Attachment 790
a few days later i went out on a boat off wangavegas
20-25 good blue cod & 8 snaps
only 2 of us fishin & fuk all rubbish fish(1 scarpie,1 parrot,1 coutta & heaps of small cod released)
sorry, no one wants to see dead fish in a fishbin
2 days later & took the torpedo to the beach
a few small school sharks,kahawai,mullet & fuk all else
i drownd the torpedo in the waves & it took a good hour to clean & dry it out
we got it going again, & 4 good gurnard on the last set
ya gotta luv this country
Fukn brrilliant Mullet:thumbsup: we were dwn your way on Sunday after Saturdays thunderstorm fucked our river.
Fished the Mangahoe at the acess thru the bush got a cuppla tiddlers and saw two goodies.
Nice trying new waters
Caught 5 tiddlers this morrning then went down before dinner tonight and got three.:thumbsup:
Heres the best.
Attachment 841
I managed a willow fish the other took my toby....:yuush:
Mrs D lost her new toby the other night on the paupa ledge:D She started too strip off for the swim across....damn no pics:P
Then eldest kid tried but they both woosed out:D Too bloody cold with no summer this year:ORLY:
Too cold alright...have the fire going now...think I am going to go back to the nymph and flies...this silverware is just too frustrating...:oh noes:
Left the house at 2000hrs and home by 2035hrs tonight.:D
First cast tonight :)
Attachment 940
No more bites afterwards.
Caught two this morning so far
Sent from TapaTalk while i should be working.
I put that last one back and kept this one
Sent from TapaTalk while i should be working.
Just caught this goody. bastard wrapped himself around my prop though lol
I put him back too.
Sent from TapaTalk while i should be working.
Sent from TapaTalk while i should be working.
I can't beat first cast though!
Faark your slaying it up in your new tub there Timbo, end up naming it?
Cheers mate. The name we keep going back to is; pocket rocket. She's only 4m long so we don't have to name her so no rush. Im currently sitting my radio qualification so will probably decide after that.
Sent from TapaTalk while i should be working.
Old pic I found that my boy took.
Getting the dog too luv fishing.
Managed two so far. Both were caught using a black dungeon.
Attachment 1025
Attachment 1026
good work, if that river on the back of your farm??
i was out in the tub today, perfect weather but nothing was biting...
Getting the dog too luv fishing.[/QUOTE]
Try giving the dog some of the fish when ya cook it.Labs where fisher mans dogs.
Glade those new lures are working out for ya .
Happy Saint Patricks Day
These 3 wern't happy:ORLY:
Attachment 1043
This was my last for the day
Nice brown:D
Attachment 1044
Shit you must have a good river dundee:thumbsup:
Yeah its bloody brilliant and pristine in the upper waters:)
Only landed two today
Attachment 1074
Both released!:ORLY:
Dog just finished having a shake after crossing
Attachment 1075
Theres heaps of these little buggers
Attachment 1076
Was a good day but didn't get down there tonight:oh noes:
Attachment 1077
Been a while since I caught 1 cause the river has been dirty for a week but hasn't stopped me goin out.........tonight I caught this little torpedo fought like fury 29/3/12
Attachment 1214
Do yo live on trout dundee??:o
You seam to catch alot of good eaters, i like trout bit get over it for while after few feeds
Went out fishing with the boss on Tuesday night at the lake by his house. My line didn't even touch the bottom and I hooked up on a nice 3.2lb fish :D
Found this down the river this morning..39cm
Lunch for Good Friday sorted
If only I could get close enough to the river...local stream wall to wall:oh noes::x_x:
Thats a goodie Chris. Likewise EeeBees ours is high and dirty too. Didn't you get much rain Chris?
The storm went round us river is crystal clear .Found an area thats holding some very nice fish this morning .
Well, I am so dispondent over fishing that I am almost to the point of giving all my gear away...I've nearly forgotten how to use the ferking box smoker:XD::x_x::D:D thankfully you all put up such neat photographs of the scaley least I can't forget what they look like:D
Just ordered 4 kg of sawdust for my smoker this morning EeeBees.Been down the river again for an hour this arvo , fish seem to be suicidal today (2 more similar size) Hard work pushing through all the rubbish along the banks is this heat though ,#1 dog/track maker is knackered .
Got any pics of Shadow at the river?
Hang in there EeeBees its starting too clear slowly:o