across n down can be a very relaxing way to fish your way down a stretch of river,it worked for years before we got all fancy with nymphs....
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across n down can be a very relaxing way to fish your way down a stretch of river,it worked for years before we got all fancy with nymphs....
@erniec was the first fella I ever saw use a nymph...seemed a bit radicle at the time
53rd trout landed on the spinning rod this year,bit small for the plate so it went back.Attachment 194851
Lost a beaut right at my feet after a few minutes battle.
Just a few small ones lately.
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Attachment 195025
Well my roar has finished, and because I have nothing better to do, its time for the winter fishing to begin. A great day fishing was had today targeting superb conditioned trout gathering at the river mouths prior to spawning.
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Bit of Central NI fun on a back country river, great trip away with an old hunting mate exploring a new river to me.
Stayed in some old shearers quarters on a farm a few kms from the river and had a chat with a few of the locals who live in a great part of the country. Got shown around the 4000 acre farm that was an great few hours with the farmer manager showing us his farm thats now gone back to bees. Big steep country thats best mustered with horse and dogs, the extent of the marginal back country and and the amount of work required was pretty amazing, a lot of blood sweat and tears have been lost in that country for sure.
Few trout caught over the 4 days, not as many as we would have liked but still enough to keep it interesting, all caught on double nymph rig with the unweighted doing the most damage, H&C's and stonefly imitations working for me.
Boulder strewn river made wading hard work, deep pools and new runs around every corner keep us pushing up river, the heads of the pools fished better
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feisty rainbows made for some great scraps
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That indicator dipping to get the mind racing, whats on the end of the line. jumping fish playing dirty makes for some fun times, I lost a few fish each day.
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Been a while since I've been out, good day out in Taupo. Caught one on the jig from the Kayak and finally caught my first fish on the fly rod using a luminous wetfly just after dark. Pretty stoked to get such a decent sized fish.
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Been picked ng up a few last couple weeks. Mostly stony, Tongariro and mang- o rivers.
The brownie is my best fish so far at 4.5 lbs. best rainbow 4 lbs.
great day today 7 fish from central NI Taranaki back country. Most in the 1-2 lb range. Attachment 195637Attachment 195638Attachment 195639
Caught this fat hen on the Manawatu on Anzac Day
Attachment 195642
Thanks to the service men and woman that served and the ones still serving in the forces for our freedom.
I enlisted at 16 years old and did two years for our country.:sarge:
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Luchtime flick on the softbait.
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Softbait again.Number 57 trout this year.
Attachment 196165
Few hours relaxing on the Tongariro today, couldnt believe i had the whole pool to myself:thumbsup:
2nd cast and hooked this awesome 6lb jack
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Then a few casts later another jack - 4.5lbs
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Then proceeded to get absolutely smoked by 2 silver bullets that decided they were better off back in the lake:XD:
The quality and condition of the fish in the river at the mo is some of the best I've seen for quite a while:cool:
Great afternoon flick, on a local taranaki river.
Two nice bows, spotted the first under the main road bridge.
Dry droper and copper john #14
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Softbaits again,2nd cast this wee brown and the bait got torn offthe jig head.
Attachment 196725
And my third cast landed this bow that came home.
Attachment 196726