2022/23 freshwater fishing season starts tomorrow ,great to see a few more pools maintained by the council!
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2022/23 freshwater fishing season starts tomorrow ,great to see a few more pools maintained by the council!
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looking pretty average down here in Welly for opening, rivers are raging at the moment
Lost your last trout from Kai iwi Tital @MB got this 5.5lb jack late this arvo, losing condition.
Regretted not bringing camera, image lost all its fishy freshness.
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Fish fish for the new season. Caught a couple nice browns in the upper Mohaka. Both self releasing on kids gear (spin fishing) plus an angry rainbow who inhaled a #2 Veltic and ended up being unfortunately taken. Also my first on the fly for the season was an energetic but small brown who lived to fight another day. The way out was rather wet but still enjoyable.
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My second for the season. A brown from Argyle that will be smoked tomorrow. It may end up at the Penguins banquet if I don't eat it before Saturday.
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Still not on the board yet this season.Lost a good bow this arvo.Now its pissing down again.
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Last Tango at Kai Iwi Lakes tomorrow. I'll report back.
1110: It ain't going so well. Not a single bite. Would normally have a couple in the bag by now.
On reading the post from TrapperJohn, I drove to the Promenade Point at the main Kai Iwi lake, getting there at dawn and spent a couple of hours casting into the drop off, unfortunately, not a sign of a fish.
But a beautiful place, there were a couple of campers there, but still asleep when I left, no other fishermen.
I'm glad I got to see it when it wasn't full of screaming holidaymakers :)
Glen, Bill, and I walked down the hill from Lees Valley road on Saturday morning and fished up through part of the Gorge. We caught 8 but landed only 1 on the flyrod and the rest on softbaits fished upstream with the new braid 1/16 oz jig heads. All except one were small bastards - silver one pounders that had come in from the sea in March. Quite a big stag crossed the river and came down the other side toward us before heading into the bush
Dead right. One bite at 1530 resulted in a good conditioned hen. Solid 5lb.