Even got a midget quad now to get to the river @Rushy
Attachment 209572
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Even got a midget quad now to get to the river @Rushy
Attachment 209572
Is that 450cc? A dog, quad with rifle in the front, fishing rod on side or rear, piece of land near river and fat cat back home waiting for fish...even dinner table only just a man with his mates...what a life!I knew you are in NI, but where is about, near Taupo, Kings land maybe
He is the Lord Mayor of Dannevirke. His nicknames include “Hare Hunter Dundee”, “Duck Destroyer Dundee”’ “Trout Tickler Dundee”, “Brown Bomber Dundee”, “Food Fucker Dundee”, “Rabbit Rooter Dundee”, “Pissed as a Parrot Dundee”, “Dundee the Dwarf” and my personal favourite, “The Watties Warrior”. Just ask for him by any of these names in the Main Street or alternately wait outside the local bottle store and look for the crowd wanting his autographs. Ha ha ha ha, he’s a mate and as you can see, I love giving him shit.
Quite the intro Rushy:D
I mainly fish the Manawatu river Black Rabbit witch starts at Norsewood and flows 180km before reaching Foxton Beach.Usually fish east of Dannevirke to Woodville. The quad is 250cc timber wolf.
Decided to do a road trip today.Drove 25kms to a locked gate on the Manawatu river,cracked the code and I was in!
Softbaits were on the menu today.
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Had this one on at the first pool.
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Few minutes and it was smashed by a nice little bow.
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Bit further upstream another good pool was holding some trout.
Tryed a few softies the trout moved but didn't take.
Put the green lumo soft bait on and "Wham!" it was swallowed.
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That was worth a 50km drive.
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Are you the mayor then? :D I remember I stayed in a motel in your place, near the river. paid 100 cash instead of 120, and motel owner strongly recommended me stay longer for fishing, and I can use his gear. But it was fly fishing gear. Good place, since I may move back to NI, hope catch up with you someday next year. Nice catch!!
Got to love a little drive right to the river.
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50km return.
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Small brown.#85
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Little bow#86
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And seen a pheasant but that will have to wait till next gamebird season.
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Tuesday just been I got dropped off on the coast here to fish my way back home. A good chance to find where the trout were and test the knee before I go chasing deer soon. Hopefully. About 7 hours and 10km give or take and it survived pretty well on uneven ground. The gym work and rehab exercises starting to kick in. Beautiful water but plagued with broody ducks that would crash on ahead for a few pools leading me away from nests before flying off. It got tiring pretty quickly. Only saw 4 trout. Caught and released one small one that shot out from the shadows and grabbed the nymph before the bigger trout I was casting to got a chance at it. Did spook a Canadian goose off its nest. Cracked one egg to check and it looked good so bought one home to have for breakfast probably should have dealt to the rest to do the farmer a favor. There ate hundreds here now. No puc of the fish it was barely a pound. Here are the eggs though.https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/202...a26da0b225.jpg
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Redemption today. Last week when I found this fish I spooked it when it scooted sideways and back to pick up something just as my cast was laying down on the water.
First return trip it was rising nicely. By the time I was rigged up it was gone. Gave up after 20min. Next visit close to an hour waiting and no show. Today it was near the head of the pool and deep. Rigged up, popped my head up to check and it had dropped back mid pool in slower water and swinging back and forth just subsurface. Phew. Lucky break there. First cast and bang. Just under 3.5lb Can park that one now and start exploring further upstream from there.
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Seen a brown last year with a black head,yet to get upstream this year but a neighbour has seen it too.
Rivers are pretty much blown out near home from recent thunderstorms.
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So did a road trip down to Mangatainoka and Mrs D landed a wee bow.
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Fished the Tutaekuri river weekend before last, river was a bit high and dirty for the first couple of days making the fishing hard. last afternoon it dropped and cleaned up making the trout and lies easier to spot, picked up a couple of small ones and lost a couple of better trout. I am sure the river would have fished a lot better if it was cleaner. Good trip away with a couple of mates regardless camping besides the river.
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Fished Lees Valley yesterday. Beautiful spot. Let one get away. I found this dead thumper. 500mm long with a big ol head. Skinny as post spawning.
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Lake Dunstan , another Rainbow to softbaits from the shore , 12 so far this month , all released except one that a neighbour wanted . Most fish between 3 - 5 lb.