Attachment 253216
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I leave the head on makes filleting easier,nice browny @Micky Duck
Yes and no....I was filleter in previous life lol. Used a small Victorinox pari g knife to fillet them.rather impressed to be honest.
3 nice chromies this arvo:cool:
Attachment 253485
Nice relaxing arvo on the T.
Low and clear making it a bit harder, not many fisherman about but was surprised to have the whole pool to myself.
Using small naturals I managed to hook 7 landing 4. Most were darker fish that had been in the river a while but also a couple of chromies:cool:
Attachment 254806
Attachment 254807
Attachment 254808
Attachment 254809
nice little eater from Taupo area.
Sent from my SM-A546E using Tapatalk
Havent been on the rivers much, instead chasing rusa, heres a recent 4.5 pound Taupo Jack.
Attachment 256036
Attachment 257922
Caught this dude yesterday, almost looks like the same fish I caught a few weeks ago.
Nice 5lb jack this arvo in pouring rain:cool:
Attachment 258490
Fillets from yesterday's jack - primo condition:drool:
Attachment 258509
Another good session today.
Hooked 9 - landed 8
Attachment 259004
Attachment 259005
Attachment 259006
Attachment 259007
Another quality jack destined for the pan:)
Attachment 259539
@MB I keep it pretty simple, fillets pan fried in butter with salt n pepper.
Love the rod.