Not 100% sure, was netting the Rainbow when it let go but was very windy so there is the possibility of a tungsten bead hitting it.
Luckily I have a couple spare rods:thumbsup:
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@wsm junkie
I wish my CD XLS 2 had just the tip break. Which is a right pain! But nope I closed the tail gate on it in the 2 lower sections after driving for a fair distance with the family for a fish. Nearly had a tear. Breaking rods does really ruin ya day that's for sure!
Yeh mate, done it a couple times....closing the ute door and hear that crunch:sick:
I've got 3 early CD rods that have the unconditional life time warrantee but unfortunately it wasnt one of them I broke yesterday.
Guess I'm going to find out what Orvis warrantee service is like:P
@Micky Duck so I showed my mate who's been a guide for many years and he reckons my netting technique is the culprit - rod too verticle and close to my body when I lift the trouts head to net. The arc of the rod is too narrow and graphite doesnt like it. It's called point loading the tip. Said he's seen it with clients over the years.
Oh well,we live n we learn.hopefully to not do it again.
@wsm junkie
Ahhh so you're high sticking it. Yep it happens and it sucks. I've found personally on the fly it's always better to let them run and minimize trying to drag them in. Usually when I try muscle them in is when it all goes pear shaped
Attachment 265645
A couple caught from the boat on Lake Taupo this morning, absolutely cracking condition.
Beautiful, heres the misso’s from lake rotoiti over christmas with great fishing.Attachment 266034
Love Rotoiti. I'm back there in April.
Fishings best its been in years and big ones too! I am lucky to be blessed that my grandparents have a batch up there but being in the south island flights are expensive. Also tried hunting up there got really close to a fallow doe but my lost it due to a malfunction.
Fish quality is certainly consistent, both in terms of size and eating. I shot my one and only DOC land deer (and wallaby) in Rotorua, so always happy to go there. Lucky you with the bach (lucky by name eh!). It's a long haul from Northland trailering a boat, but I still do it at least once a year.
On the board for the new year, couple nice Bows from the Tongariro
Attachment 266143
Attachment 266144
And a primo conditioned 5.5lber from the lake night fishing:cool:
Attachment 266145
Attachment 266146
There's some great trout being caught on this thread! Would anyone be willing to share some info on jigging in the lakes? Down here in the south majority of people are trolling the lakes and whilst it can be quite productive, can't help but feel as if fish in deeper water never get a look.
Are fish being marked on the sounder before choosing a likely spot to jig? Also what sort of rig?
I have tried jigging on lake brunner many times and nothing so we gave up and only troll. I much prefer lakes up north.