Was up Mangatutu last night. Camping with kids. Disaster.
Fishing was very good though with fish smashing cicada patterns for the brief chance I got in the evening. Picked up a couple fat Browns.
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Short walk down to the river from the camp site. Big fat bush cicada's making so much noise it was hard to think!
Also, I wanted to get photos of the dragonflies there. They were so big and they had zero fear. They would land on your hand and show off. They were nearly as big as the palm of my hand and were incredible.
Forgot the GoPro so no fish photos or video. The trout certainly enjoyed the cicadas too and would come up from a decent depth to inspect, and if happy smash my big green cicada.
Two weekends ago We camped there too and fished the two pools just downstream from where that track meets the river.
The legal trout were coming into the Green and Gold Mepps and would follow but not strike.
We did hook onto a couple of fingerlings but not the bigger fish.
Been trying to Teach my wife to fish ...... she's still learning to handle the spin rod and not really confident enough to have a go with a fly rod yet.
Although I have had her fishing with a nymph under a plastic bubble.
Might try some cicada patterns this week end.
Yeah those big black dragon flies make a B52 look small alright.
Attachment 33575 Mate got on to his first 10 pounder a few nights back
Best of jigging from the kayak at lake taupo
Attachment 33640
Bout bloody time I landed another for the freezer.:)
First cast lost my Strada lure to a chunky rainbow,the bloody nylon snapped.:( And the trout lept out of the water with it in its lip,so if any you fullas see it it is mine:ORLY:
Second cast I attached a streamer that was made by a mate and Yes Landed a decent size rainbow:)
Attachment 34031
@Chris gave me this big reel as I am always wearing out the small spinning reels.:)
Attachment 34032
You have the handel on the correct side :thumbsup:
Got another good one tonight on that streamer.:)
Attachment 34125
And same pool tonight.
I see you've broken the dry spell Dundee. :thumbsup:
Between you and PT is there any fish left in the lower North Island? ;)
Bout time aye
Just got back fromthe river had a date with mr dundee we get down by the river he cask his rod in and fish took off with his lure,so funny then heforgot his fishing bag so he takes the wally award tonight lol.I saw 1 and got a chase it was good anyway now im having a Isracs berry cider and its yum.
Fourth decent trout out of the same pool and still haven't got my lures that some trout took. Fat chance of that happening I guess.
Anyway happy with this one. Sorry boring posts I can't add smileys and the tool bar is gone.
Got another last night.
Broke another swivel while landing it.
Yesterdays catch.
Smashing it!!
Just a small one last night
Not a trout, but the smile on my face says it all! :-)
What a beauty Matt!
Fuck this was risky,thank goodness for willow weed.
I suck at trout fishing,another from Jacobs pool.
Last nights was a tease but landed a solid one tonight on an articulated streamer that a mate tied for me.Same pool 'Jacobs' if Neckshot dosen't get young Jakey down here soon it will be called Dundees pool.
Last couple of weeks been getting good results here.
And get home and PT added another to the dish
Same streamer landed this brown. The eyes are red because its a full moon.
Last night I went out before the expected cyclone and landed a wee one.
River needs a major flush,slower waters are full of green algae.
The normal water line would be at the willow weed
Did they die from drinking that Lion Brown, or did you make a beer batter?:P
They will be battered soon, cuppla hours down there tonight and I scored some brownie points.
Finally! After 10 or so trips of seeing fish, hooking up but not landing... I landed my first river trout on the first bloody cast of the day!
Small Rainbow on a Veltic from the Rangitikei river! Absolutely stoked!!
Attachment 35034
No. 2 this evening! My luck is changing.
Sighted four + one dumb spiker.
I had to go too the local sports shop today to replace some lost lures. All have been lost with good chunky trout in the same pool. Landed one tonight and lost another,no sign of the jewelry that they have eaten. Landed one tonight,lost one but still kept the lure. Landed 5 yesty and the last bastard took the jewelry.
It has been mentioned P38 but the fight on a little 6lb nylon spinner rod is worth loosing a bit of kit.
These were the modified lures,I cut the trebles off so if a release was required less impact on the trout.
Also cut off the ring at the tip of the lures.
Results tonight.
You could have just swapped the treble with a normal hook.........:yaeh am not durnk: that's the whole point of the split ring :P
There were single hooks in the package but nothing like a bit of butchery,two more landed tonight. River is getting a mess,choking up with layers of weed.If we don't get a decent flush soon Jaycobs pool will be out.
Went out this morning for a bit of spinning on my local, caught one/lost one.
So far its 3 for 4 trips since I hooked my first, each a little bigger than the last and I'm seeing a lot more fish. Pretty happy.
Lost a few scales because I panicked when it dropped the hook as I was landing it (net out of reach), it put up a good fight.
Finally got my first today, couldnt go with raging bull this morning due to wrk, so headed out the arvo. Bloody stoaked
Attachment 35275